Green tea Compound Aids p53, ‘Guardian of the Genome’ and Tumor Suppressor

white ceramic teacup on brown wooden table

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute An antioxidant found in green tea may increase levels of p53, a natural anti-cancer protein, known as the “guardian of the genome” for its ability to repair DNA damage or destroy cancerous cells. Published today in Nature Communications, a study of the direct interaction between p53 and the green tea compound, epigallocatechin […]

Know Your Child’s Seizure Risk from the MMR Vaccine

Physicians for Informed Consent Every year, about 5,700 U.S. children suffer seizures from the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This finding is derived from results of the most statistically powered safety study ever to measure the association between MMR vaccination and febrile seizures. Published in JAMA in 2004, the study evaluated more than half a million children, both […]

Is RSV Another Virus from a Lab?

Woman in Blue Sweater Lying on Bed

NE – naked Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is surging around the world right now. Could this be due to “immunity debt” after lockdowns or because Covid and/or mass vaccination has messed around with our immune systems? The majority of young children have not been vaccinated against Covid, so the direct effect of vaccination can […]

RSV Nonsense

Amandha Dawn Vollmer RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) has been part of the fear agenda as of late. Let me rip the bandaid off, there is no such virus. Actually, there are no viruses at all. Truth in this realm has been inverted completely. So what is happening when we have a lung expression that they […]

When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise

Marc Girador In this article, I attempt to give a wholistic view on the processes by which adverse effects happen in the hope that it will help as many people as possible address jointly with their physicians their vaccine-induced illness. … Many of my friends tell me: “Marc, there has to be more to it than your […]

Meat, Organs, Bones and Skin

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Christopher Masterjohn My anxiety disorders became seriously aggravated on a vegetarian diet but were resolved after including nutrient-dense animal foods in my diet. Consistent with my personal experience, seven out of eight studies have shown that vegetarians are more likely than their non-vegetarian counterparts to experience mental disorders. These studies cannot prove cause and effect, […]

The War Against an Underrated Yet Essential Food in Our Diet

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Marina Zhang Nutrition is a field of contradictions and changing fads. In recent decades, most schools and teachers encourage a diet high in grains and vegetables, moderate protein, and low fats and oils. Over the years, paleo, keto, vegan, and various diets that contradict each other have come and gone. However, amidst it all, is […]