Chemtrail Syndrome: A Global Pandemic of Epic Proportions

The Health Coach For those who are aware that they have been exposed to this planetary scourge, now is the time to understand the profound correlations between your day-to-day health status and the incidence/intensity of regular chemtrailing of the skies overhead. … The numerous anecdotal and clinical observations which follow are the product of various […]

The Canadian Weather Modification FOI is Here

white clouds and blue sky

Amandha Dawn Vollmer Do you have people in your life who gaslight you when you point to the hazy sky at airplanes crisscrossing above, blanketing our beautiful blue skies with cloud-seeding gunk, hiding our life-giving sun, as they say, “that’s just water vapour, chemtrails are a conspiracy theory,” and that’s the end of the discussion? […]

When Science and Civil Liberties Clash


Helen Dale Coronavirus exposed how human beings argue about incommensurable values. By this, I mean values that are not comparable on some common scale — values that are intrinsically different. Those on one side, who thought managing coronavirus turned on following the science, … and those on the other side, who thought people had a […]

How to Cultivate Health Instead of Managing Disease

A Man and a Woman Assisting a Girl While Jumping

Joseph Mercola In “Dying to Be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It,” Dr. Leland Stillman shares his views on conventional and alternative healthcare systems, and how an entirely new healthcare system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing […]

Covid-19: A Universe of Questions In a Time of Universal Deceit

Michael Bryant As we approach the third year of the ‘Covid Crisis’, the once unassailable Covid Story – reported and repeated by politicians, public health mandarins and all mainstream media – has been replaced by contradictions and inconsistencies. The original Covid Story narrated by health ‘experts’ and government officials told of a particularly virulent pathogen […]

The Higher Truth Coming Out of The Freedom Convoy Was … Love

Lucy Crisetig The Freedom Convoy meant many things to many people. The initial intention of the convoy was to protest the government’s covid mandates for truckers. They, like many of us, went through restrictions that were demeaning, they lost their livelihoods if they didn’t comply or coercively forced them to submit to a medical treatment […]

Mass Propagation – Death Stress

close-up photography of girl during daytime

Debi Evans It is not uncommon for a person, at some point in their life, to wonder or worry about death. … However, there is a small percentage of the population who su er with death anxiety, known as thanatophobia. If a fear is so prevalent and it affects your daily life, then it becomes […]