Our Addiction to Unnecessary Medicine is Letting Children Down

Boy Wearing Green Crew-neck Shirt Jumping from Black Stone on Seashore

Mark Shaw A few days ago it was reported that dozens of children between the ages of ve and 11 were given higher doses of the Covid vaccine “by mistake”. … In other news, the Indonesian Health Ministry said on Thursday, October 20th that it had found traces of three hazardous chemicals in children with […]

The Man Who Invented Climate Change and Influenced Schwab’s Great Reset Agenda

person holding there is no planet b poster

The Exposé According to such Great Reset luminaries as Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab, humanity is expected to solve the dual threat of Covid and global warming in one revolutionary sweeping reform. … There is a destructive plan to transform the global financial system under the guise of “climate […]

Natural Health Tips for Kids & Teens

four boy playing ball on green grass

World Council for Health The power to stay healthy is already inside you. Have you ever thought of yourself as a Formula 1 car? Well, maybe you should. Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes can reach speeds of over 200mph and keep going for about 200 miles! Butit can only do that because the mechanics have been working […]

What Happens When the Food Web is Broken – And How to Fix It

person holding orange and green shrimp

Vandana Shiva The web of life is a food web, and we are interconnected with natural systems and all living things. Thus, food sovereignty is primarily an ecological process of co-creation with other life forms. Food sovereignty begins with the right of all living things, of biodiversity and “living” seeds to thrive and evolve, with […]

Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection by Earthing

Person in Black Leggings Walking on Rock

Haider Abdul-Lateef Mousa Earthing is a body contact with earth without insulator. In previous studies, grounding revealed anti-inflammatory effect, immunity enhancement, anticoagulation, and rising blood oxygenation. … An observational and interventional study included 71 cases with COVID-19 infection. Earthing was applied as preventive and treatment measures. All participants conducted earthing through direct contact with the […]

The REAL Story Behind RSV & the So-Called “Tripledemic”

Kit Knightly The “tripledemic” is upon us, according to the media. What is a “tripledemic”, you ask? Apparently, it’s when we have simultaneous pandemics of influenza, Covid and RSV at the same time. … There’s a trick being played here, and as usual in the age of the “pandemic”, it’s a trick of language. e […]

Killing the Germ Theory

Amandha Dawn Vollmer Since microorganisms are pleomorphic (they change shape) based on the pH and toxicity of the terrain, how can they be categorized and said to cause a specific disease? And then how can you make a “shot” for them? How can something even have “immunity” to them when they are your own cells […]