Combining COVID-19 BA4/5 and Influenza mRNA

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Peter A. McCullough Recently, both Pfizer and Moderna announced they were developing a combination injection utilizing mRNA coding for the BA4/BA5 Omicron subvariant and new mRNA coding for antigens contained in the influenza virus. Because the COVID-19 component is under Emergency Use Authorization plus questionable unorthodox licensure meant to provide the legal basis for a […]

That mRNA “Vaccines” Cause Cells to Produce Spike Proteins Is a Fairy Tale

Stefano Scoglio and Torsten Engelbrecht This is scientifically evident already from the fact that it’s impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and produce anything. Anybody who talks about spike proteins and embraces the story di fused by the pharmaceutical companies just accepts that as given. The researchers … indicate that these “vaccines” are so […]

The Pediatric Perils of PEG: From MiraLAX to COVID Shots, FDA and CDC Ignore Safety Signals

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Children’s Health Defense Team Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned that some ultrasound contrast agents contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) and therefore shouldn’t be administered to patients with known or suspected allergies to PEG — but there are no similar warnings for adults or children who get PEG-containing COVID-19 shots or MiraLAX, an […]

The Surge in Childhood Infections: Are mRNA Vaccines the Solution – or the Cause?

Joseph Mercola Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19, rhinoviruses and in uenza. Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023. They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab […]

A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over

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Tracy Beanz The time for silence is over. There is far too much readily available data, far too many examples, and far too much pain and suffering for this to continue. We have data from systems designed to alert us to harm and death the government created. We have independent studies. We have pharmaceutical studies. […]

“Pandemic Amnesty”? It’s Just More Narrative Reinforcement

Kit Knightly A few days ago, on Halloween, the Atlantic ran this opinion piece by economist Emily Oster, headlined: “LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY“ The general perception has been that it is some kind of admission of defeat, perhaps a recognition that the “pandemic” was not real, and that those pushing the narrative had been […]

Yes, mRNA Vaccines Are Different. Here’s Why.

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Ah Kahn Syed How are mRNA vaccines different from traditional vaccines? Here’s the list. (1) they contain mRNA, not protein or inactivated virus. (2) they contain LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) which are transfectants and transport those RNAs into the cells of the recipient in order to do this.  (3) they distribute to and accumulate in the the ovaries and express […]

Top Five Habits for a Healthier Life

person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime

Joseph Mercola Even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especiallywhen you know where to focus your energy Eliminating vegetable/seed oils from your diet and getting more sun exposure top my listof healthy habits Embracing time restricted eating, which means limiting your eating window to six to eighthours per day, is also […]