Hippocratic vs. Technocratic Medicine

black and gray stethoscope

Aaron Kheriaty Many of our technocrats seem undeterred by the failure of public health policies and associated new technologies to mitigate the COVID pandemic. Consider, for example, Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines. How successful was this technology in its first large- scale trial run in humans?

Vitamin B12 – The Reference Range Level is Set Too Low

toasted bread on white and red polka dot plate

MTHFR Support As a statement made by one of the leaders in vitamin B12 field more than 10 years ago, Carmel’s idea of “cobalamin deficiency should not be diagnosed unless megaloblastic changes are found’ is still followed by many physicians and health authorities when accepting B12 deficiency diagnosis. But as time goes by, evidence and […]

A Group of 50 BC Doctors Are Challenging Dr. Henry’s Vaccine Mandates in Court

Marty Vandriel During the past two years, Canadians in the medical field who were skeptical about COVID vaccines have faced difficult decisions and challenging work environments. If they were unwilling to be among the first to get the jab, they’d no longer be allowed to work in hospitals and extended care homes. And even as […]

COVID Vaccines and Organ Transplants: Are Healthcare Providers Ignoring Safety Signals?

doctor performing operation

Children’s Health Defense Team Since its experimental beginnings in the mid-1950s, organ transplantation has evolved into what the medical community now casually refers to as a “standard-of-care” procedure, albeit one with still substantial failure rates. … In one study, published in September in Transplant Infectious Disease, researchers cataloged acute organ rejection within a week or […]

Pesticides and Polio: A Critique of Scientific Literature

Man Fumigating the Plants

Jim West A clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS-related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement […]

Case Studies on Chronic (Long Term) Toxicity of Non-Degradable Nanomaterials

Jun Kanno This series of studies aimed at feeding back the chronic toxicity information to the developers of nano-products before they are massively produced and consumed, or in other words, before they are exposed to the public in an uncontrollable fashion. Based on such information, the developers/ manufactures can produce safer product to foster the […]

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Coronary Heart Disease in Contrast to Stress

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Paul J. Rosch The belief that coronary atherosclerosis is due to high cholesterol from increased saturated fat intake originated from experiments in herbivorous animals. It was reinforced by reports allegedly demonstrating this sequence of events in various populations but ignoring contradictory data. The idea has been perpetuated by powerful forces using similar tactics to preserve […]

Graphene and Graphene Oxide as Nanomaterials for Medicine and Biology Application

Subhashree Priyadarsini et al. Graphene- and graphene oxide-based nanomaterials have gained broad interests in research because of their unique physiochemical properties. The 2D allotropic structure allows it to be used in various biological fields. The biomedical applications of graphene and its composite include its use in gene and small molecular drug delivery. It is further […]