The Lethal Dangers of the Billion-dollar Vaccine Business with Government Approval … Safer Stuff is Available. Here’s Why You Haven’t Been Getting It

person holding yellow and white pen

Andrea Rock When federal health officials and pediatricians refrain from warning the public about risks out of fear that parents will stop immunizing their children, they insult parents’ intelligence and endanger the public’s health. Parents deserve the facts so they can make informed choices. Geneticist and former NIH researcher Mark Geier says that when he […]

Toxin-like Peptides in Plasma, Urine and Faecal Samples from COVID-19 Patients

Carlo Brogna et al. The presence of toxin-like peptides could potentially be connected to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Their presence suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals. Their involvement in a large set of heterogeneous extra-pulmonary COVID-19 clinical manifestations, like […]

DNA is a Fractal Antenna in Electromagnetic Fields

Blank M., Goodman R. This study investigates how the structural properties of DNA allow it to absorb a wide range of frequencies and how this could translate into DNA strand breaks and an increase in the levels of stress proteins. … The unique structure of eukaryotic DNA allows it to act as a fractal antenna […]

Top Alkaline Foods to Eat & Acid Foods to Avoid

red strawberries and yellow citrus fruits

John Neustadt … One way diet affects your health is through a process called “acid-alkaline balance.” The pH (potential of hydrogen) determines a substance’s acidity or alkalinity and is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The lower the pH the more acidic the solution. The higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) […]

Acid-Base Homeostasis: Latent Acidosis as a Cause of Chronic Diseases

two lemons

Jürgen Vormann, Thomas Goedecke Rev Vormann 255-266 _o_cy In the healthy human being, the blood has a pH value of 7.4. Even slight deviations from this value may lead to severe disturbances in metabolism which may even be life-threatening. It is for this reason that the body`s extensive buffer systems ensure that the blood pH […]

Time for the End of GM/CE Herbicide Tolerant Crops?

GeneWatch UK The aim of this report is to look at the economic, environmental and social impacts of growing RR crops and newer HT crops. This report reviews more than 25 years of experience with this technology. We conclude that the cultivation of GM HT crops may be regarded as a temporary aberration, rather than […]

Food Freedom – Part 3: Dark Secrets of Processed Foods

cooked French fries and hamburger

Lucy Crisetig The issue of food processing is largely ignored or even minimized in public policies, even during the current ongoing pandemic of obesity and related chronic diseases. As humans, we’re unique in that we cook our food – one type of processing – as well as ferment, grind, soak, chop and dry. Although, if […]