What is Nattokinase?

Japan NattoKinase Association A traditional Japanese food “Natto” is a food made from soybeans fermented by Bacillus natto, and has been eaten since about 1,200 years ago. Enzymes that Bacillus natto produce by fermentation include protease and Dr. Oshima at Hokkaido Imperial University reported its purification and characteristics. Since then, it was investigated as a […]

Lack of Palliative Care is a Failure in Too Many MaiD Requests

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Romayne Gallagher When a person with a failing organ, stroke or other chronic life-limiting disease has persistent suffering that goes untreated, they can become depressed and hopeless. It’s a common pathway to severe distress that can lead people to request Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). This is a medical error. The error is not in […]

How Bill C-7 Will Sacrifice the Medical Profession’s Standard of Care

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Trudo Lemmens, Mary Shariff, Leonie Herx As Parliament discusses Bill C-7’s expansion of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Act, one issue has been conspicuously absent from public debate, even though it has major implications for medicine and for patients: the impact of the bill on the role of the medical profession in determining the […]

Medical Aid in Dying: What Matters Most?

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Peter Tanuseputro With the passing of Bill C-14, Canadians who are mentally competent adults suffering from a grievous and irremediable medical condition may now seek medical aid in dying. The policy has already resulted in ripples of controversy. For example, some large faith-based hospitals currently do not allow medical aid in dying on their premises, […]

Scheduled to Die: The Rise of Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program

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Rupa Subramanya … When we think of assisted suicide or euthanasia, we imagine a limited number of elderly people with late-stage cancer or advanced ALS in severe pain. The argument for helping them die is clear: Death is imminent. Why should they be forced to suffer? In 2015, Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that assisted suicide […]