A Seasonal Shift for Body, Mind and Spirit

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Tiffany C. Brawn The human body is heavily influenced by seasonal, regional, and cosmic rhythms of nature, affecting the expression of body, mind, and Spirit. The turning of the seasons, especially during cycles of chaotic weather patterns and social upheaval, can be challenging to navigate. Developing lifestyle practices that help to manage chronic stress, understanding […]

Vegetarianism and Nutrient Deficiencies

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Christopher Masterjohn Not all vegetarians develop overt health problems in such a short length of time from abandoning animal foods and some—especially those who eat eggs, milk, or occasional fish and shell sh—may maintain good health for decades. A strictly vegetarian diet, however, clearly lacks nutritional qualities that an omnivorous diet possesses. If the people […]

There’s No Such Thing As a Green Vegan

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Mary Harrington Go meatless to save the earth! After all, the meat industry contributes 14.5% of the planet’s entire carbon emissions, gobbles up 26% of the globe’s ice-free surface for grazing and a further 33% for feed production, pollutes water, impacts biodiversity, and of course — in its industrialised form — is shockingly cruel to animals. With all these arguments, […]

GMO Purple Tomatoes Just Moved One Step Closer to Grocery Shelves – Should You Buy Them?

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) favorably reviewed genetically engineered purple tomatoes, developed by Norfolk Plant Sciences. The USDA found the genetically engineered (GE) plant is “unlikely to pose an increased plant pest risk compared to other cultivated tomatoes and is not subject to regulation …” This says nothing of GE purple tomatoes’ potential to […]

Leaked EU-Pfizer Agreement Reveals Cover-up of Bacterial Proteins, Endotoxins, DNA, dsRNA, Other Contaminants and up to 50% Truncated, Modified, Recombined, Junk mRNA in the Vaccine

Vinu Arumugham Informed consent was impossible. This toxic soup should never have been injected into humans. Contradicting reports in the BMJ that 70-75% of the mRNA in the vaccine was intact, this agreement shows only 50% of the mRNA was intact per specification. So up to 50% of the mRNA in the shot can be truncated, modified, […]

Homo Borg-genesis/Borgiensis

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Katherhine Watt … Attorney Todd Callender has been using the phrase for several months during interviews about the uncertain legal status of victims who have been injected with the bioweapons known as Covid-19 vaccines. Homo borgiensis describes a new species of human potentially created by the mRNA injections, to the extent that reverse transcription alters […]

How To Get The Bugs Out

Janet Starr Hull Many diseases and disease syndromes source to parasites, bacteria, yeast or fungus. Here are some natural ways to prevent microorganisms from finding a home inside your body, and ways to remove them if they have already set up housekeeping. If microbes are present, certain foods, medications, and food chemicals can stimulate them. […]

Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike?

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Marco Cosentino and Franca Marino Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines are the mainstays of mass vaccination campaigns in most Western countries. However, the emergency conditions in which their development took place made it impossible to fully characterize their effects and mechanism of action. Here, we summarize and discuss available evidence indicating that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines […]