The Time of COVID: A Report by Phillip M. Altman

Ampoules on a Blue Surface

Phillip M. Altman et al. An Australian perspective … It is abundantly clear that there has been repression and suppression in scientific circles and the media of any views or suggestions that run counter to the government/mainstream narrative. However, many studies now indicate that the Covid19 vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines, are less than ‘safe […]

Humans as Bioreactors

Spartacus In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, the media and the medical establishment tried getting around this by arguing that since the vaccines did not change the recipient’s DNA, that meant that they weren’t gene therapy. The introduction of foreign nucleic acids into the body to generate foreign proteins is, by definition, gene therapy, regardless […]

The Quarantine of Healthy Populations

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Aaron Kheriaty When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Dr. Bhattacharya turned his attention to the epidemiology of the virus and the effects of lockdown policies. He was one of three co- authors—along with Martin Kulldorff of Stanford and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford—of the Great Barrington Declaration. Many more lives would have been saved, and much misery […]

Covid19 Fraud, Deception and Fear

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Roshan Ali Covid19 was never a real pandemic or public health emergency because it is based on fraud and deception and driven by fear propaganda. Making ALL responses to covid19 unjustified, unlawful, immoral and unethical amounting to the biggest crimes against humanity. So all laws, national and international, still apply and there can be no […]

COVID-19 Vaccines: PANDA’s Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Review Has Found That Mass Covid-19 Vaccination Has Been a Failed Experiment

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PANDA Mass public-health measures always involve a trade-off between expected benefits and known and potential risks or harms. Harms include both short-term and long-term or inter-generational harms (e.g. poverty). Separately, they must at all times comply with basic human rights requirements. These fundamental realities have been ignored in much of the public-health response to the […]

Pfizer Admits to European Parliament They NEVER Tested Whether Covid Vaccine Prevented Transmission or Infection – “Get Vaccinated for Others” Was Always a Lie

i am a good man i am a good man

Rhoda Wilson After Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla declined to appear before the European Parliament to answer questions, Janine Small attended a parliamentary hearing on Monday in his stead.  Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”) Rob Roos from the Netherlands asked her a simple “yes” or “no” question: Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested for stopping transmission of the virus […]