Simple Nasal Wash ‘Reduces COVID-19 Severity’

Selective Focus Photo of Salt in Glass Jar

Sanjeet Bagcchi Simple nasal washes with mild saline water can prevent hospitalisation and deaths from COVID-19, if applied twice daily following a positive diagnosis, according to research led by the US-based Augusta University. Reducing the amount of virus entering the body cuts the severity of the disease, says the study published September in the Ear, […]

Evaluation of the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Properties of Essential Oils and Aromatic Extracts

clear glass bottle with yellow lid

Daniel Jan Strub et al. Essential oils and aromatic extracts (oleoresins, absolutes, concretes, resinoids) are often used as food flavorings and constituents of fragrance compositions. The flavor and fragrance industry observed significant growth in the sales of some natural materials during the COVID‐19 outbreak. Some companies worldwide are making false claims regarding the effectiveness of […]

Could Lipid Nanoparticles be Changing Essential Human Qualities of the Vaccinated?

A Person Injecting Vaccine

Rhoda Wilson The spike protein haunts some of the good “dissident doctors” and honest scientists. The mRNA fragments, for their part, profoundly disturb others; and all for good reasons. But it is the lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”) in the mRNA injections that keep me up at night, feeling that the dystopia on earth has now fully […]

Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings?

Close-up View Of Person Holding A Vaccine

Naomi Wolf The spike protein haunts some of the good “dissident doctors” and honest scientists. The mRNA fragments, for their part, profoundly disturb others; and all for good reasons. But it is the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the mRNA injections that keep me up nights, feeling that the dystopia on earth has now fully arrived. […]

The Great Regression

Toby Rogers … Since December of 2020, 13 billion doses of the most toxic shot in human history have been injected into people worldwide. Perfectly healthy people dropping dead in the prime of life is now a daily occurrence across the developed world. … Others have focused on the ways in which this constant toxic assault leads […]

The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity

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Mark Bailey, John Bevan-Smith COVID-19 is a fraud because its alleged causal agent, a purported novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, has not been proven to exist in nature and therefore has not been established as the cause of COVID-19, the disease and pandemic invented by the World Health Organisation (WHO). For the selfsame reason there are […]