Medical Nanobiosensors: A Tutorial Review

person clicking Apple Watch smartwatch

Hamideh Razavi, Sajad Janfaza A sensitive monitoring of biological analytes, such as biomolecules (protein, lipid, DNA and RNA), and biological cells (blood cell, virus and bacteria), is essential to assess and avoid risks for human health. Nanobiosensors, analytical devices that combine a biologically sensitive element with a nanostructured transducer, are being widely used for molecular […]

Potential Toxicity and Safety Evaluation of Nanomaterials for the Respiratory System and Lung Cancer

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Thomas Vlachogianni et al. Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are a diverse group of materials finding increasing use in manufacturing, computing, food, pharmaceuticals, and biomedicine due to their very small size and exceptional properties. Health and safety concerns for ENMs have forced regulatory agencies to consider preventive measures and regulations for workers’ health and safety protection. Respiratory […]

Electromagnetic-Based Wireless Nano-Sensors Network: Architectures and Applications

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Ayoud Oukhatar et al. Recent advances in nano-materials and nanotechnology have paved the way for building integrated devices with a nanometric size, named nano-nodes. These nano- nodes are composed of nano-processor, nano-memory, nano- batteries, nano-transceiver, nano-antenna and nano-sensors, which operate at nano-scale level. They are able to perform simple tasks, such as sensing, computing and […]

Transhumanism: the Big Fraud Towards Digital Slavery

David Salinas Flores Transhumanism: the big fraud-towards digital slavery The transhumanism is an international movement that states that adding technological implants and inserting DNA will improve the human being. However, the transhumanists hide two subjects: the use of technological implants as a weapon against the citizen and the method they are developing their dangerous projects […]

The Hypocrisy of Modern Pharmacological Ethics

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Aaron Hertzberg One of the more shocking aspects to the war on effective covid treatments was the insolence of pharmacists and pharmacy boards to reject legally written prescriptions by properly credentialed doctors. To justify pharmacists’ radical usurpation to practice medicine from the actual medical practitioners, pharmacists claimed – comically – that medications such as Hydroxychloroquine […]

Ethics of Vaccine Refusal

Inspirational Phrase on Personal Freedom Coming out of a Typewriter

Michael Kowalik Proponents of vaccine mandates typically claim that everyone who can be vaccinated has a moral or ethical obligation to do so for the sake of those who cannot be vaccinated, or in the interest of public health. I evaluate several previously under-theorised premises implicit to the ‘obligation to vaccinate’ type of arguments and […]

Hormone-Hijacking Chemicals in Your Dental Floss?

Oral-B Ultra floss dental floss container

Douglas Fischer That nice waxy glide as you floss your teeth? Turns out it could be courtesy of PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that hijacks hormones and is linked to reproductive problems, birth defects, testicular cancer and a host of other diseases. Mamavation, the wellness site, and tested 39 different brands of floss for PFAS […]