Modern Baby Books: Full of Bad Advice

baby under purple blanket

Lisa Bianco-Davis When Weston Price studied healthy traditional societies, he found that they placed a strong emphasis on the nutrition of couples prior to pregnancy and of women during pregnancy and lactation. The foods these societies considered absolutely essential for producing healthy children were seafood ( sh and shell fish, fish organs, fish liver oils […]

Prenatal Ultrasound – Not So Sound After All

Children’s Health Defense Team Prenatal ultrasound is a taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care, to such an extent that most obstetrician-gynecologists find it impossible to practice their profession without it … Despite the absence of demonstrated bene ts, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” … including Doppler […]

Prenatal Care, American Style – A Trojan Horse for Harmful Interventions?

woman holding her belly while wearing blue knit sweater

Children’s Health Defense Team he United States’ disgraceful infant and maternal mortality rates — higher than in any other wealthy nation — raise questions about what to do to lessen the risk of complications during delivery and postpartum. In this regard, government health agencies often highlight the importance of prenatal care. In fact, increasing “early and adequate prenatal […]

Synthetic Biology Test Could Force the Natural Products Industry to Define Its Position

person holding Blue Skies coconut ice cream cup

Melaina Juntti Meatless Impossible Burgers that “bleed” just like the real deal. Creamy dairy-free ice cream made with Perfect Day’s nonanimal whey protein. Dietary supplements containing “nature-identical” astaxanthin, resveratrol or collagen made from fermented yeast, bacteria or other microorganisms. These and many other tech-spawned products have flooded the market in recent years, even penetrating the natural […]

Prenatal Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field and Its Impact on Fetal Growth

Free stock photo of 3d scanning, 3d ultrasound, adults

Yanfeng Ren et al. Prenatal exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic field and its impact on fetal growth. Studies on the effect of prenatal exposure to magnetic field (MF) on fetal growth is inconclusive and subject to some methodological limitations, particularly in measurement of MF exposure. The present study aimed to examine the association between […]

Wi-Fi – a Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares?

Free WiFi signage on wooden post

Barrie Trower As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.tic … Education need not suffer if […]