Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

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Joseph Mercola Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops. CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides. In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens […]

How Could They be “Forest Fires” if the Forests Weren’t on Fire?

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Mark Crispin Miller … Forensic arborist Robert Brame presents his photographic evidence that, in nearly all those California fires, what burned hell-hot was NOT the forests but the GROUND, the soil left forever STERILE. What happened time and time again in California (as, no doubt, in Canada last week) certainly did not result from lightning, […]

Ingredient in Popular Disinfectant Wipes Linked to Reproductive Health Issues

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Joseph Mercola Ingredient in Popular Disinfectant Wipes Linked to Reproductive Health Issues • Children’s Health Defense Quaternary ammonium compounds are also referred to as “QACs” or “quats.” They are a popular ingredient in disinfectant wipes, which Clorox increased production of to 1.5 million packs per day during the pandemic. One survey suggests 83% of households […]

National Nanotechnology Initiative Specifically Speaks of Covid 19 Bioweapons as “Nano Technology Enabled” and Plans Many More Nanotechnological “Vaccines”

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Ana Maria Mihalcea Millions of people have been mislead in a concerted e4ort to divert attention from the study of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Mainstream “freedom doctors” proclaimed that we see nothing but salt, sugar and cholesterol. The analysis of the hydrogel clots was omitted, and Anally, only Mike Adams analyzed them – confirming […]

Directed Energy Weapons

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GAO Directed energy weapons—such as lasers—use energy fired at the speed of light. These weapons can produce force that ranges from deterrent, to damaging, to destructive. Many countries, including the U.S., are researching their use. Because they use energy instead of bullets or missiles, directed energy weapons could be less expensive per shot and have […]

Could Chatbots Help Devise the Next Pandemic Virus?

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Robert F. Service Tech experts have been sounding the alarm that artificial intelligence (AI) could turn against humanity by taking over everything from business to warfare. Now, Kevin Esvelt is adding another worry: AI could help somebody with no science background and evil intentions design and order a virus capable of unleashing a pandemic. … […]

Bioethicists: Euthanasia Okay for ‘Unjust Social Conditions’

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Wesley J. Smith Once killing the sufferer becomes a societally acceptable means for ending suffering, there becomes no end to the “suffering” that justifies human termination. We can see this phenomenon most vividly in Canada, because it is happening there more quickly than in most cultures. For example, a recent poll found that 27 percent […]

Canadian Government Knew About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths, Was Advised to Keep Quiet

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Lioness of Judah Ministry … A secret Privy Council office memo recommended that any COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths be carefully managed with “winning communication strategies” as to not “shake public confidence,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter. The May 2021 memo released through access-to-Information legislation came five months after the Department of Health licensed the first […]