Why Are So Many People Dying? The Endless Butterfly Effects of Damaging Policies

Hart Group The disappointment from Covidean doom-mongers about the recent – and entirely expected – downtick in cases of respiratory disease has been palpable, presumably because this has happened without recourse to ‘clever’ public health interventions.  However, the news isn’t good: in fact it is bad, and sad. Far too many people are dying. Excess […]

Judge Gives Fauci 21 Days to Turn Over Emails with Social Media Giants

Suzanne Burdick A federal judge on Tuesday ordered top-ranking Biden administration officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — to hand over their communications with five social media giants within 21 days. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed earlier this year by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and […]

Gilead Has Paid $178 Million to Doctors to Promote Drugs Despite Patient Deaths

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva American pharmaceutical giant Gilead has paid at least $178 million to doctors and $81 million to hospitals in the US to promote and prescribe the company’s drugs despite cases of deaths and severe side effects. The drug-maker funded as many as 21,833 physicians in 2019 alone, according to data about Gilead payments from […]

Evidence of Risk, Harms Mount as FDA Forces new Covid Booster Without Human Testing

Jefferey Jaxen … Throughout the pandemic response, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has become increasingly reckless rubber stamping Covid shots into circulation. At the start of the FDA’s vaccine vetting process, the agency promised transparency.  We’ve went from rushing experimental vaccines onto the market with short, improper testing during an emergency to rushing […]

Bivalent Booster’s “8-Mice Trial” Actually FAILED

Igor Chudov So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice. …  the Ba.5 bivalent booster was incredibly consistent producing antibodies against the Wuhan variant. … However, the bivalent booster was extremely INCONSISTENT when producing antibody responses against Ba.5 variant. … the 8 Pfizer standardized Balb/c mice, quite […]

Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?

Joseph Mercola Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection […]