UK Prohibits Vaccine Boosters for Pregnant Mothers

TCS Wire The UK government has released a report stating that pregnant and breastfeeding women should under no circumstance get the Pfizer COVID vaccine. … If the latest government report on the Pfizer vaccine is to be believed, we now know that this is a lie. They had no idea whether the vaccine was safe […]

More Frightening News about Fertility and the mRNA Shots, This Time from Singapore

Alex Berenson … in a few weeks in June and July 2021, nearly every Singaporean adult between 20-39 – childbearing age, essentially – received their first Covid vaccine jab. … The incredibly rapid uptake of vaccines among young Singaporean adults offers a natural experiment in the effect of mRNA shots on fertility. (Roughly 98 percent […]

UK Government’s Contradictory Advice for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

World Council for Health A recent update to the United Kingdom government website has brought to light a document advising that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be given the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine. … The World Council for Health questions why the UK government has such contradictory advice on its website. If it is the […]

Vaccinated Placentas

Etana Hecht There have been many news stories and data sets, including those featured heavily in the Pfizer documents themselves, that point to major issues surrounding fertility including pregnancy issues, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, and newborn and fetus harm in what feels like an attack on the full human reproductive system. Dr. Wolf summarized a video […]

Here’s Why the COVID Vaccine Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women

Joseph Mercola Since the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 shots, U.S. health o cials have adamantly claimed the shots are safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Meanwhile, now-released P zer court-ordered, released data — which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration wanted to hide for 75 years — reveals the miscarriage rate among […]

Medical Fascism in the Lancet

David Bell and Domini Gordon Medical ethics are about protecting society from medical malfeasance and the self-interest of the humans whom we trust to manage health. It is therefore disturbing when prominent people, in a prominent journal, tear up the concept of medical ethics and human rights norms. It is worse when they ignore broad […]

SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza: A Comparative Overview and Treatment Implications

person lying on bed while covering face with pillow and holding eyeglasses

Laura D. Manzanares-Meza and Oscar Medina-Contreras Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Alphainfluenzavirus are RNA viruses that cause coronavirus disease-19 and influenza, respectively. Both viruses infect the respiratory tract, show similar symptoms, and use surface proteins to infect the host. Influenza requires hemagglutinin and neuraminidase to infect, whereas SARS-CoV-2 uses protein S. Both […]

Therapeutic Potential of Ginger Against COVID-19: Is There Enough Evidence?

Abdollah Jafarzadeh, Sara Jafarzadeh and Maryam Nemati In addition to the respiratory system, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) strikes other systems, including the digestive, circulatory, urogenital, and even the central nervous system, as its receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is expressed in various organs, such as lungs, intestine, heart, esophagus, kidneys, bladder, testis, […]