Effectiveness of Chatbots on COVID Vaccine Confidence and Acceptance in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore

Kristi Yoonsup Lee et al. Chatbots have become an increasingly popular tool in the field of health services and communications. Despite chatbots’ significance amid the COVID-19 pandemic, few studies have performed a rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of chatbots in improving vaccine confidence and acceptance. In Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore, from February 11th to June 30th, […]
You’ve Been “Nudged”

Canadian Covid Care Alliance All over the world officials are using an advanced behavioural science model called NUDGE(Thaler & Sunstein, 2019) to watch and modify our behaviours. In Canada, that program is called Impact Canada and has been used to: Image: Vadim Bogulov @ Unsplash
Lipid Nanoparticles Corrupt Nature

Christ Flowers This report delves into the history of lipid nanoparticles, as well as their use by pharmaceutical companies as a casing for mRNA in the COVID vaccines. It concludes that the use of the lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA causes widespread and significant harms to the human body. Without the lipid nanoparticles, mRNA cannot […]
Diet, Food Cravings and Weight Loss

A Midwestern Doctor Since this is a remarkably challenging topic, I have been working on this article, and this was one of the pieces that to write I also needed to solicit advice from numerous mentors. My goal here is to provide helpful perspectives on this subject you most likely have not come across before. […]
USDA’s Phony ‘Animal Welfare’ Rule and Other Shenanigans

Joseph Mercola Draft regulation currently under consideration would legalize factory farm conditions for organic chickens. While the proposed rule claims to protect and improve “animal welfare” in organic farming, all it will accomplish is the further destruction of independent organic farmers who do things right and therefore cannot compete with “organic” mega-corporations that can sell […]
What They Don’t Want You to Know About Lab-Grown Meat

Joseph Mercola While the fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world, the true intent is to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development. Researchers at UC Davis warn there are major environmental downsides to lab-grown meat. […]
What Made Doctors Do the Right Thing During COVID-19?

A Midwestern Doctor Since I was very young, I noticed a minority of people “got it” and could see through the current lie everyone else was falling for. Being like this can be incredibly isolating, so I tried to seek these people out and connect them. As time went forward, the question we all asked […]
Dietary Supplements and Wellness: A Pragmatist’s Primer

Michael Passwater/Orthomolecular Medicine News Service There are over 50,000 dietary supplement products marketed in the United States, and approximately 75% of Americans take at least one dietary supplement regularly. Supplement consumers are more likely to lead a healthy lifestyle: to exercise, eat a balanced diet, visit their doctor regularly, and regularly get a good night’s […]