Chitin and Its Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses

Daniel Elieh Ali Komi, Lokesh Sharma and Charles S. Dela Cruz Chitin, a potential allergy-promoting pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP), is a linear polymer composed of N-acetylglucosamine residues which are linked by β-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds. Mammalians are potential hosts for chitin-containing protozoa, fungi, arthropods, and nematodes; however, mammalians themselves do not synthetize chitin and thus it is […]

COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent

John Allison, J.D. (shared by Robert W. Malone) … Informed consent is the ethical and legal principle by which that fundamental right is enforceable. To be able to give informed consent a person needs to be informed about the risks and bene ts of, and alternatives to the proposed treatment. The fundamental right to informed […]

COVID PCR Test Swabs Are As Dangerous As Inhaling Asbestos

The Exposé An experimental physicist and bio-materials researcher examined various PCR test swabs under a microscope and found that the fibres they contain are as dangerous for human beings as inhaling asbestos. Professor Antonietta Gatti examined various PCR test swabs and analysed their ingredients. The results showed that they are made of tough materials and […]

Toxic, Metallic Compounds Found in All COVID Vaccine Samples Analyzed by German Scientists

The Epoch Times A group of independent German scientists found toxic components — mostly metallic — in all the COVID-19 vaccine samples they analyzed, “without exception” using modern medical and physical measuring techniques. The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis says that some of the toxic elements found inside the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials […]

The Biotech Tipping Point

Guy Hatchard … Excess all-cause mortality is rising around the world, especially in countries with high vaccination rates like New Zealand, Australia, and Portugal. … At what point will people ask why are they constantly falling sick and why are they finding that others are in the same boat? Few people are aware of the […]

We Need a Robust Ethical Framework to Curb the State’s Use of Behavioural Science

Gary Sidley Since the advent of the covid-19 era in early 2020, many countries across the world have deployed behavioural science interventions – often referred to as ‘nudges’ – to strengthen their communication strategies and thereby increase compliance with the pandemic restrictions and subsequent vaccine rollout. These state-sponsored psychological methods of persuasion raise important ethical […]

The Vagus Nerve at the Interface of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis

Bruno Bonaz, Thomas Bazin and Sonia Pellissier The Vagus Nerve at the Interface of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis The microbiota, the gut, and the brain communicate through the microbiota-gut-brain axis in a bidirectional way that involves the autonomic nervous system. The vagus nerve (VN), the principal component of the parasympathetic nervous system, is a mixed nerve […]