Trust and Health: Edelman Trust Barometer 2022

2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Team How does trust rank vs. other determinants of health? Does trust in the health ecosystem influence everyday health decisions? Does trust influence personal health outcomes?

PaxlovidTM – Making an Informed Decision

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Canadian Covid Care Alliance In January 2022, Health Canada approved the use of the oral antiviral medication called PAXLOVIDTM. PAXLOVIDTM is made of a combination of two medications: nirmatrelvir and ritonavir. As with any medication, there are a number of key questions that healthcare practitioners can and do use to help determine if it is […]

Tylenol Use in Babies, Children Raises Risk of Autism, New Review Shows

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Julie Comber The authors of a new review of the drug acetaminophen (paracetamol), sold under the brand names Tylenol and Panadol, are sounding the alarm about the use of the drug in infants and children, citing the drug’s association with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). … The review, published in the July issue of Minerva Pediatrics, offers […]

Anti-Addiction Vaccines: Big Profits for Drugmakers, Big Questions for Patients

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Martha Rosenberg In its 2016 to 2020 strategic plan,  the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), promoted the promise of “anti-addiction vaccines “aimed at eliciting antibodies that block the effects of a specific drug.” The quest for an anti-addiction vaccine began in earnest when Drs. Nora D. […]

The WHO’s Reckless Disregard for Truth

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David Bell Public health relies on trust. Advertising relies on twisting the truth, even deceiving people, to persuade them to buy a product they may not need. Trust is maintained by telling the truth, giving others accurate information and sound advice. If inclined, you can change direction, trading on trust that you have built in […]

Better Way Charter

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World Council for Health The inaugural Better Way Conference held in May 2022 in Bath, UK, was created to facilitate active discussion with a solutions-driven focus because questioning the science is how you do science. The issues were highlighted and the actions that follow were proposed. The actions inform the Seven Principles of a Better […]

EPA Banned These Pesticides – But They May Still Be Causing Hearing Loss

Beyond Pesticides Banned pesticides still persistent in the environment pose an increased risk of hearing impairment for U.S. adults, according to research published this month in Scientific Reports. Although regular use of DDT and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) no longer occurs in the United States, exposure to these persistent chemicals can still occur through a range of […]