What Has Changed Regarding Asymptomatic Spread?

Clare Craig The concept of asymptomatic transmission formed the foundation for the belief that lockdown was necessary and might work and for mask wearing and amplified the atmosphere of fear with the idea that anyone could be a threat. … At the time it was possible to conclude that the global evidence of transmission from […]

A Short History of Big Pharma Colonialism in India

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Word Virus It may surprise you that the pharmaceutical industry is not always motivated purely by a high purpose of discovering new drugs to protect humanity from diseases and viruses. This article will expose the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry—an industry that many believe to be among the most corrupt of all industries. Critics […]

Emulsifiers in Food Raise Concerns: Part 2

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The FDA has designated common emulsifiers like polysorbate 80 and  carboxymethylcellulose or cellulose gum (CMC) “generally regarded as safe” or GRAS. This designation is coveted because it indicates that the FDA considers GRAS substances non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. However, the problem is that emulsifiers have not consistently been tested for side effects. Based on the recent work of researchers […]

Emulsifiers in Food Raise Concerns: Part 1

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prebiotin.com In the last few years, a growing number of research studies indicate that common emulsifiers like carboxymethylcellulose, polysorbate 80, and carrageenan, to name just a few, may not be “benign” additions to processed foods. These food additives have been linked to changes in the gut bacteria that can lead to system-wide inflammation, contributing to […]

Study Links Distinct Patterns of Childhood Trauma to Specific Eating Disorder Diagnoses

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Beth Ellwood A new study published in the Journal of Eating Disorders revealed high rates of adverse childhood experiences among patients with eating disorders. Different diagnoses were linked to specific patterns of trauma. For example, patients with binge eating disorder were especially likely to report a history of physical and emotional abuse.

The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma

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Michael D. De Bellis, Abigail Zisk Despite the widespread prevalence of childhood trauma, less is known about trauma’s biological effects in children as compared to adults with child trauma histories; and even less is known about how these pediatric mechanisms underlie trauma’s short-term and long-term medical and mental health consequences. This article focuses primarily on […]

Eating Bugs Is Being Pushed For The Future

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Andrew Bieszad … there has been a push for people to eat insects, which started with a lot of laughter but has been seriously advanced as “legitimate”. … This “trend” of eating insects is being forced, from what everything seems, as a part of a philosophical-political agenda. There is no need to eat insects. People […]