The Virus, the Vaccine, the Victims: Beginning the Great Reckoning

Margret Kopala As Covid-19 recedes, a worldwide evaluation of how the pandemic was handled is finally underway. As much as governments, public health leaders and o!icial science want to avoid questions, others with courage and determination are digging in and finding answers, including Canada’s privately organized National Citizens Inquiry. Margret Kopala examines the damage done […]
Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots

Joseph Mercola Microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project — has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, […]
Biochemical Individuality and Nutrition

William J. Walsh Each of us has innate biochemical factors which influence personality, behavior, mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies, etc. Scientists tell us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds 42 million. It’s interesting to note that we do not possess a combination of […]
The Seratonin Theory of Depression: A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Evidence

Joanna Moncrieff et al. The serotonin hypothesis of depression is still influential. We aimed to synthesise and evaluate evidence on whether depression is associated with lowered serotonin concentration or activity in a systematic umbrella review of the principal relevant areas of research … Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the quality of included […]
Orthomolecular Treatment for Depression, Anxiety & Behavior Disorders

Raymond J. Pataracchia Biochemical syndromes of importance in mood and behaviour disorders are those that ultimately influence neurotransmitter production, release, inhibition, and signal transduction. Various segments of the mood and behaviour disorder population fall into subgroups of distinct biochemical imbalance. We often see subgroups of essential fatty acid deficiency, inadequate nutriture, dysglycemia, food intolerance, digestive compromise, […]
Mental Health Treatment That Works

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Doctors report that mental health problems including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, anti-social and learning disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders often have a common cause: insufficient nutrients in the brain. Nutritionally-oriented physicians assert that the cure for these problems is to give the body the extra nutrients it needs, especially when under […]
Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Niacin and Megavitamin Therapy

David R. Hawkins et al. Over the years a great many biochemical variations and abnormalities have been described in populations of schizophrenic patients. Despite the voluminous literature, very little of practical usefulness has emerged. Partly because of this, in recent years the work of Hoffer and Osmond and others have begun to attract attention, and […]
Emotional Health in the Age of Disconnection

A Midwestern Doctor Many people believe the most significant issues facing the Western World are emotional in nature (e.g., anxiety is often termed the disease of the modern age). In turn, a common observation is how often the emotional patterns individuals carry end up controlling their lives (frequently causing them to make terrible decisions) and […]