Do No Harm: Protect Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Canadian Covid Care Alliance It’s easy to forget that pregnancy is a unique and exquisitely normal phase of health. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you may feel overloaded by information and advice. Public messaging repeatedly tells you to get a COVID-19 shot, one of the genetic mRNA products being used as vaccines. What do you […]
The Forgotten History of Sterilizing Vaccines

A Midwestern Doctor During the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, the unprecedented nature of the vaccination campaign caused many to suspect it might adversely affect global fertility. These concerns grew as more and more evidence emerged suggesting the vaccines were adversely affecting fertility, but nonetheless were disregarded and instead the vaccines were mandated on pregnant women. Now […]
Caution in Identifying Coronavirus by Electron Microscopy

Sarah E. Miller and Cynthia S. Goldsmith We are concerned about the erroneous identification of coro-navirus directly in tissues by authors using electron microscopy. Several recent articles have been published that purport to have identified severe acute respiratory syndrome corona- virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) directly in tissue. Most describe particles that resemble, but do not have […]
Health Canada’s New Regulations: A Threat to Natural Health Products?

Doug Collins The Canadian Federal Government’s Budget Bill C-47, enacted on June 22, 2023, has embedded within it sections 500-504, which now give Health Canada extraordinary authority over the natural health products sector. Vanessa’s Law, originally intended to shield Canadians from hazardous pharmaceutical drugs, has been extended to encompass natural health products, resulting in substantial […]
The Climate Crisis Frenzy is a Mass Hysteria Movement

William L. Kovac Ever since the Biden administration promised to eliminate fossil fuels, climate activists have combined their quest to use the government to control society with creating a collective group possessed by illusions and excessive fears that climate change is destroying Planet Earth. This Climatism Collective believes that dismantling society will enable government to […]
Two Verifiable Anecdotes are the Mathematical Proof that Vaccines Cause SIDS and Autism

Steve Kirsch Most of the SIDS cases (likely 75% or more) are due to the childhood vaccines. Vaccines are the main cause of autism as well, likely 75% or more. In fact, pediatric clinics that avoid vaccines have zero, or near-zero, rates of SIDS and autism. In this article, I’m going to discuss how just […]
New Study Confirms Link Between Gut Microbes and Autism – But Stops Short of Answering Which Comes First

Angelo DePalma The connection between the gut microbiome and behavioral health has been the subject of intense investigation. But even when the link appears indisputable, associating the microbiome’s thousands of bacterial, yeast, fungal and virus species to specific symptoms or diseases may be challenging. Now, results from a study reported in Nature Neuroscience in June […]
HAARP is of Global Concern Because of Its Far-reaching Impact

Rhoda Wilson The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme, or HAARP, started in 1993 when the United States Air Force began construction on a facility in Alaska. The project is jointly funded by the US Air Force, the Navy, and the University of Alaska. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (“DARPA”). Shortly after the Alaskan facility […]