Plastic is Everywhere – Including in Your Brain

Joseph Mercola Discarded plastics make up 18.5% of land lls and 90% of all trash entering the world’s oceans. Estimates suggest that by 2050, our oceans will contain more plastic than sh by weight. In some ocean waters, plastic already exceeded plankton by a factor of 6-to-1 in 2006. Recent animal research found plastic particles […]
Federal Government Allows Biotechnology Companies Free Reign in the Food System, Removes Safety Checks on Corporate Science and Denies Transparency to Farmers and Food Companies

National Farmers Union Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food has approved changes to Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulatory guidance that, along with similar changes permitted by the Minister of Health in May of 2022, allow product developers to assess the safety of their own genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) seeds and foods […]
Environmental Impacts of Cultured Meat: A Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment

Derrick Risner et al. Interest in animal cell-based meat (ACBM) or cultured meat as a viable environmentally conscious replacement for livestock production has been increasing, however a life cycle assessment for the current production methods of ACBM has not been conducted. Currently, ACBM products are being produced at a small scale and at an economic […]
The Link Between Bioelectricity and Consciousness

Tam Hunt Nature seems to have figured out that electric fields, similar to the role they play in human-created machines, can power a wide array of processes essential to life. Perhaps even consciousness itself. A veritable army of neuroscientists and electrophysiologists around the world are developing steadily deeper insights into the degree that electric and […]
Fluoride is the New Lead

Fluoride Action Network The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on the neurotoxicity of fluoride confirms what experts have long been suggesting: that fluoride is the new lead in its ability to lower IQ in children. Over the past five years, experts in toxicology and epidemiology have equated the harm to developing brains from fluoride to […]
Migration of Microplastics and Phthalates from Face Masks to Water

Giuseppina Zuri et al. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, face masks have been introduced in the complex strategy of infection prevention and control. Face masks consist of plastic polymers and additives such as phthalates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the migration of microplastics (MP) and phthalates from face masks to water. Four […]
‘Absolutely Reckless’: NIH Allows EcoHealth Alliance to Resume Coronavirus Research

Brenda Baletti the NIH reinstated the grant, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) this week reinstated a controversial federal grant to EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of bat coronavirus spillover. … In 2014, EcoHealth received $3.7 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for […]
Show This to People Who Use the ‘It’s-becuase-of-the-high-number-of-shots’ Argument

Jessica Rose The death rate per million doses for COVID is 35.6 versus 0.3 for influenza. That’s 119 times higher. … So if the COVID shots were the same amount of lethal as the influenza shots, then we would see a 2.8:1 death ratio for COVID:FLU – the death ratio is 146:1 in reality. Image: […]