
corn, cornfield, harvest

The Gardens Trust … Plants need water so plants in dryer location gain an evolutionary advantage if they can quickly maximise their use of sudden downpours, such as produced in a thunderstorm, before it soaks away. Thunderstorms carry an electrical charge and somehow plants have learned to read that as a signal that heavy rain […]

Agrohomeopathy: An Emerging Field of Agriculture for Higher Crop Productivity and Protection of Plants against Various Stress Conditions

green leafed plants near trees

Sushobhan Sen et al. Agrohomeopathy is one of the newest approaches in agricultural research. In recent years various scientific studies showed that potentised homeopathic medicines can alter physiological activities of plants. It can alter the rate of enzymatic activities, total sugar, protein and cholophyll contents in plants. Eradication of biotic and abiotic stresses upto some […]

Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression?

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Dana Ullman There are numerous theories for why the number of people suffering from mental illness is increasing and why it is afflicting people at younger and younger ages. The homeopathic analysis for this epidemic is unique and may provide additional insight as to why this is occurring. … Homeopaths, like modern-day physiologists, understand that […]

Homeopathic Medicine and the Immune System

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Dana Ullman … there are two primary approaches to treating ill people. He said that there are therapeutic techniques that directly impact specific symptoms, and there are methods that stimulate the body’s own immune and defense system. Whereas conventional medical treatments today tend to focus on the former goal of treating or controlling symptoms, various […]

Parental Autoimmune Diseases Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Offspring

Alexander Keil et al. Background: Autism spectrum disorders are often idiopathic. Stud- ies have suggested associations between immune response and these disorders. We explored associations between parental autoimmune disorders and children’s diagnosis of autism by linking Swedish registries. Methods: Data for each participant were linked across 3 Swedish registries. The study includes 1227 cases and […]

Role of Gut Microbiome in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Therapeutic Regulation

Microscopic Shot Of A Virus

Masuma Afrin Taniya et al. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that affects normal brain development. The recent finding of the microbiota–gut–brain axis indicates the bidirectional connection between our gut and brain, demonstrating that gut microbiota can influence many neurological disorders such as autism. Most autistic patients suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Many […]