Are You Eating Pork Injected with Merck’s mRNA Livestock Vaccine?

top view photo of grilling chicken and bacon

Joseph Mercola For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds. The very first RNA-based livestock vaccine, a swine influenza (H3N2) RNA […]

A Possible Association between Fetal/Neonatal Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cheerful mother with baby speaking on smartphone

Robert C. Kane Recently disclosed epidemiological data indicate a dramatic increase in the incidence of autism spectrum disorders. Previously, the incidence of autism has been reported as 4-5 per 10,000 children. The most recent evidence indicates an increased incidence of about 1 per 500 children. However, the etiology of autism is yet to be determined. […]

The Devastating Consequences of Replacing Butter with Margarine in Our Diet

sliced cheese on clear glass plate

Natasha Longo The Diet Dictocrats told us to drop butter decades ago and switch to a so-called healthier substitute called margarine made with what they claimed would be less harmful polyunsaturated fats. Their promise was it would prevent disease. People around the globe questioned this advice, especially those who have valued butter for its life-sustaining […]

Safer, Homeopathic Alternatives for Children with ADHD


Dana Ullman Hyperactivity and its related syndromes (ADD: attention deficit disorder; and ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has become America’s #1 childhood psychiatric ailment. One of the common drugs to treat children with ADD and ADHD has been Ritalin, and its used has become so common that some people are calling it “vitamin R.” It […]

Why Homeopathy Makes Sense and Works

Water Drop

Dana Ullman As you will learn from this article, homeopathic medicine has its own sophisticated system of using substances from the plant, mineral, chemical, and animal kingdoms. This article will describe–in a modern and even futuristic fashion–this fascinating and powerful method of strengthening the body’s own defense system.

CEASE Therapy – Misconceptions and Truths

meltdown, autism, autistic

Anke Zimmermann CEASE Therapy is suddenly receiving media attention as well-funded skeptics groups are trying to discredit and limit access to homeopathy and homeopathic remedies around the world. For interested parties, here is a short summary of what CEASE is and isn’t.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Holistic Homeopathy – Part 2

Boy in White Long Sleeve Shirt Playing Puzzle

Parful Barvalia … Reduction of autistic features and rehabilitation into mainstream society of the child can be achieved through the classical homeopathic approach. We take into account sensory pattern, kinetic state, regressive state, features pertaining to affects and mood and qualified aspects to ascertain the totality of the cases. Autism is a multi- factorial phenomenon, […]