Can Atmospheric Electricity Contribute to Pilots Collapsing from Blood Clots? How Does Electrically Responsive Hydrogel React under Increasing Voltage of Electrostatic Fields at High Altitude?

two men piloting plane during daytime

Ana Maria Mihalcea We know that the C19 shots contain lipid nanoparticles with are the components of hydrogel like Polyethylene Glycol in Pfizer and SM 102 in Moderna. Hydrogel is a self assembly polymer that grows under the exposure of electrical and electromagnetic fields. … We have shown how blood changes under low level electrical […]

Why Did Do Many Doctors Become Nazis?

Crop unrecognizable male doctor with stethoscope

Ashley K. Fernandes Medicine and law are intimately connected to one another, and, since the professionalization of medicine in the United States and Europe in the latter half of the 19th century, even more so. One discipline that connects both is moral philosophy; for both law and medicine involve reason and the will, directed toward […]

Design of a Weapon: Targeting the Human Microbiome

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Sasha Latypova … I believe the highlighted part above explains the operating principles behind weaponizable synthetic DNA/RNA material which was designed to induce “covid” illness in population via deliberate deployment. … Notice the use of small RNAs, i.e., using inherent RNA instability and propensity to shatter to produce desired harmful cargoes as weaponized payload. Continuing […]

Another Expert Analysis

dna, molecules, biology

Daniel Nagase I remember when this paper first came out and the controversy generated from its results. It was the first cellular evidence of harms from spike proteins alone. About 7 months after being published it was retracted, and the reason given I’ve highlighted above. I think the authors knew how controversial their results would […]

How Experts Lie (Part 2)

Daniel Nagase Many parties are using this government of Canada article to justify their (over)reaction to COVID-19. 19/epidemiological-economic-research-data/excess-mortality-impacts-age- comorbidity.html Is a “Fact Sheet” with an “estimated” 5.7% excess mortality, a lie? Don’t take my word for it. Compare’s 5.7% “quasi-Mathematics” with reality … Is there any visible “Excess” in the Mortality Rate for […]

How Experts Lie (Part 1)

deceive, deception, lies

Daniel Nagase … Before COVID, patients would usually only get tested for influenza if they were being admitted for a respiratory illness. … In 2020, the panic over COVID-19 changed all that, and suddenly there was mass testing for COVID-19 regardless of whether the patient was in the hospital for respiratory illness or other reasons […]

Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots

vaccine, coronavirus, medical

Joseph Mercola mRNA-based COVID shots have used codon optimization to improve protein production. A codon consists of three nucleotides, and nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. Use of codon optimization virtually guarantees unexpected results. Replacing rare codons must be done judiciously, as rarer codons can have slower translation rates and a slowed-down rate is […]

Are the COVID mRNA Shots Affecting Birth Rates

pregnant woman holding her stomach

Josh Mittledorf The early New England Journal of Medicine article that was supposed to reassure us that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women actually included data tables that indicated an 80% miscarriage rate for women vaccinated in their first trimester. A follow-up article was based on a sample skewed heavily toward women vaccinated later […]