Here We Go Again …

deceive, deception, lies

Dawn Lester An article posted on the BBC website on 5th April caught my eye because it provides yet another example of why it is so important to not only expose the lies about ‘viruses’ being pathogens, but to also refute the claims by many voices in the ‘alternative health movement’ that the ‘no virus’ […]

Where’s the “Virus”?

Mike Stone “No virus has been obtained in an absolutely pure state. Not even the washed granules of vaccine virus can be accepted as representing only virus. Therefore it is impossible to say that virus alone is being filtered rather than virus attached to aggregates of protein or particles of degraded cells.” -Thomas Rivers, Filterable Viruses: A Critical Review Even after […]

Fortification and Health: Challenges and Opportunities

bowl, breakfast, cereal bowl

Johanna T. Dwyer et al. an007443 124..131 Fortification is the process of adding nutrients or non-nutrient bioactive components to edible products (e.g., food, food constituents, or supplements). Fortification can be used to correct or prevent widespread nutrient intake shortfalls and associated deficiencies, to balance the total nutrient profile of a diet, to restore nutrients lost […]

Food Fortification and Supplement Use – Are There Health Implications?

assorted drinks on white commercial refrigerator

Mridul Datta and Mara Z. Vitolins Dietary supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S., and their use is increasing exponentially. Additionally, many foods and beverages are increasingly being fortified with single or multiple vitamins and minerals. Consequently, nutrient intakes are exceeding the safe limits established by the Institute of Medicine. In this paper, […]

Vitamin Primer

assorted fruits at the market

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig The study of vitamins has not waned since the early days of research, and the subject of food science has proved to be far more complex than scientists at first imagined. The early discoveries led some researchers to conclude that all vitamins necessary to life could be supplied in […]

Vitamins and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

salad, fruit, berry

Roxana Valdés-Ramos et al. Microsoft Word – CDT_IEMD_CONTENT.doc The present review evaluates the relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and individual orcombined vitamins. Antioxidant vitamins A, C and E are found decreased in diabetic subjects, possibly due to an increased need to control the excessive oxidative stress produced by abnormalities in glucosemetabolism. On the other […]

The Healing Power of EARTH?

Person Standing on Shores

Tiffany C. Brawn What if there was a free, simple, and easily accessible way to drastically decrease inflammation, improve mood, and restore optimal blood viscosity in a matter of minutes? It just so happens that extensive clinical research has shown that these physiological improvements, in human health, can be achieved by simply putting your bare […]