Diabetes Mellitus and the 12 Tissue Salts

schüssler, tablets, homeopathy

William Boericke and W. A. Dewey A writer explains the biochemic treatment of diabetes as follows: Lactic acid is composed to Carbonic acid and water, and must be split up on its way to the lungs. This is done by the catalytic action of Sodium phosphate in the blood. Any deficiency of Sodium phosphate will […]

Diabetes Mellitus from the Perspective of Anthroposophical Medicine

diabetes, blood sugar, diabetic

Matthias Girke On the background of the three-fold human organism, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus appear as a polarity. In type 1 diabetes action of the nerve-sense system is dominant. In type 2 diabetes action of the will in the metabolic-limb system is restricted. In terms of the human biography, type 1 diabetes […]


blood, bags, transfusion

Shawn P. Catmull and John V. Ashurst Autotransfusion has not always been a safe procedure. The first known documented procedure of autotransfusion was performed in 1818 by Dr. James Blundell. Dr. Blundell became frustrated by the loss of a patient due to a uterine hemorrhage. Blood transfusions had been attempted for many years before Dr. […]

What is Autotransfusion?

blood, donation, donate

SafeBloodDonation No blood is better compatible than your own and is therefore always the best option in cases where your own blood can be used in surgery. In addition to autologous blood donation, where you donate your own blood before a planned surgery, there are other options. Autotransfusion is a medical process in which a […]

MPs Vote to Order Release of Canada’s COVID Vaccine Contracts Despite Pfizer’s Objections

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LifeSiteNews Despite executives pleading otherwise, Canadian MPs in the House of Commons public accounts committee have voted to mandate the Department of Public Works hand over the country’s clandestine COVID-19 vaccine contracts with Pfizer for investigation.  … Canada’s Department of Health signed multiple COVID vaccine contracts in 2021 and 2022 with seven different manufacturers. Those […]

FDA Confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being Forced to Publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by Order of the US Federal Court

The Exposé The Covid-19 vaccines have been at the centre of a heated debate since their introduction, with many questions and concerns raised about their safety and effectiveness. Speculation has also been rife that the Covid-19 injections may contain traces of Graphene Oxide, a highly toxic and conductive substance. Medicine regulators, with the support of […]