Living in the “Plasticene”: The Plastic Age

Food in Plastic Containers on a Shelf

Anthony Jay Plastic has become part of modernity’s make-up (literally). Scientific discoveries relating to plastics have earned a number of Nobel Prizes. Plastic permeates our culture, our personal care products, our environment and our awards. But do plastics adversely affect our health? … Let’s start with bisphenol A (BPA). A 2012 article in the Journal […]

Questionable Tactics Used in Vaccine ‘Safety’ Testing

vaccination, tuberculin test, injection

Joseph Mercola An eight-month investigation revealed shocking aws in Merck’s clinical trial design, which effectively prevented assessment of safety. Serious adverse events arising outside of a two-week period post-vaccination were simply marked down as “medical history”. A systematic review of pre- and post-licensure trials of the HPV vaccine concluded its effectiveness is both overstated and […]

Microplastics Could Cross Over from Mother to Fetus, Study Shows

pregnant, nature, mom

Suzanne Burdick The authors of a peer-reviewed study showing microplastics passed pregnant rats’ intestinal and placental barriers, leading to impaired fetal development, concluded the same could be true for humans. The study, published in Nanomaterials, is the rst to show that microplastics fed to pregnant mammals can reach fetal tissues. … “It is certainly not […]

Why Broth is Beautiful: Essential Roles for Proline, Glycine and Gelatin

broth, soups, vegetables

Kaayla Daniel The notion that the body can create proline and glycine is, of course, the reason that neither amino is considered “essential.” The ability to manufacture them easily and abundantly as needed, however, is probably true only of people enjoying radiant good health. Common sense suggests that the millions of Americans suffering from stiff […]

Every Stage of Plastic Production and Use is Harming Human Health

blue labeled plastic bottles

Tatum McConnell New report recommends the United Nations Global Plastics Treaty significantly reduce plastic use through aggressive bans and caps, and closer examination of toxic ingredients. Plastic production is on track to triple by 2050, a potential influx of hazardous materials that the Earth and humans can’t handle, according to a new report from the […]

Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis after COVID Shots, New Documents Reveal

covid-19 vaccine, vaccine, covid-19

Michael Nevradakis Pfizer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld evidence that COVID-19 vaccinations led to an increased risk of myocarditis, especially in young males, according to two sets of documents made public this week. Con dential P zer documents leaked Thursday by Project Veritas show the company had “evidence that suggests […]