Germany’s Top Health Official Admits On-Air COVID Shots Harm 1 in 10,000

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Jeffrey Jaxen Talking to the news host, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach stated:  “According to the latest research data, severe vaccine injury is very rare. The incidence is less than 1 in 10,000.  Lauterbach broke the golden rule of vaccine messaging – never mention the injuries the vaccine will cause … His pivot was a […]

Keep Your Organs Healthy – and Safe

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Merinda Teller Over the past six decades, solid organ transplantation has gone from an i y experiment to a “standard-of-care” procedure performed on a “near-routine” basis. However, a leading Brazilian neurologist and professor recently furnished some historical context for the rise in transplantation that should give pause. Discussing the origins of “brain death” as a […]

Always Hungry for More Organs, Transplant Surgeons Are Exploiting – and Illuminating the Different Standards for Determining Death

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Matthew Hanley Are you familiar with something called the “partial resurrection” procedure? That’s how MedPage Today referred to it in a recent article. You might suppose it is some kind of transhumanist scheme to bring the dead back to life, but it is an emerging technique used by transplantation surgeons upon organ donors. … in this procedure, physicians […]

Assisted Dying in Canada Has Been Captured by a Medical Ideology

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Scott Kim Now that the Canadian government has introduced a bill to delay implementing psychiatric MAID – assisted dying for people whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness – this is a good time to step back and reflect on how Canada got here. Last week’s release of a joint parliamentary committee’s report on […]