Cherries – A Natural Treatment for Gout

shallow focus photography of cherry fruits

Earth Clinic Team Cherries are a simple and inexpensive natural treatment for gout. There are many different ways that cherries can be taken for gout. Usually, relief from pain comes quickly when this treatment is used.

Transmission Routes of Respiratory Viruses Among Humans

Jasmin S. Kutter et al. Respiratory tract infections can be caused by a wide variety of viruses. Airborne transmission via droplets and aerosols enables some of these viruses to spread efficiently among humans, causing outbreaks that are difficult to control. Many outbreaks have been investigated retrospectively to study the possible routes of inter-human virus transmission. […]

Can Tissue Salts Ease a Gout Attack?

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Lisa McDowell The pain of a gout attack is not something a sufferer soon forgets, which is why finding treatment that provides sufficient relief for an attack is mandatory. Although there are different medications to treat gout, there are also different non-drug treatments such as tissue salts which can provide relief. Photo:

Magnesium – An Important Nutrient for Heart Health

three bottles of magnesum on a wooden plate

Joseph Mercola Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body and is involved in more than 600 different biochemical reactions. Research suggests even subclinical deficiency can jeopardize your heart health. A lack of magnesium will impede your cellular metabolic function and deteriorate mitochondrial function, and magnesium deficiency has been identified as the greatest […]

Homeopathic Medicine for Relief from the Pain of Gout

purple crocus in bloom during daytime

Sonia Ramchandani … Because uric acid is a byproduct of certain foods, gout is closely related to diet. Obesity and an improper diet increase the risk of developing gout. It also may be inherited or brought on by crash dieting, drinking, certain medications, overeating, stress, surgery or joint injury. Homeopathy can provide a measure of […]

Gout in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

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Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott Gout in TCM was written about nearly 2000 years ago, so those ancient Chinese had problems just like us! We now know it is a form of arthritis, caused by excess uric acid which gets deposited in the joints, often starting with that of the big toe. … Actions or factors that increase propensity to […]


feet, gout, pain

Tom Cowan The understanding of gout gets into some of the most interesting questions about the history of medicine and the understanding of physiology and its relationship to human disease. It is also interesting because there are many misconceptions that abound about gout, among both laymen and medical professionals. … gout is better understood as […]

Aches, Pains and Diet

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Vesanto Melina Stiffness, arthritis, and aching joints: what have these to do with diet? The causes of various forms of arthritis are complex and sometimes little understood. Yet recent research indicates that foods can significantly affect arthritic symptoms for certain people.