My Problem with the Paleo Diet

grilled meat with sliced lemon and sliced tomatoes on white ceramic plate

Michael Klaper Many people who adopt this meat-based eating style initially feel better and lose weight. They do so largely because the Paleo principles proscribe the eating of dairy, oils, and refined carbohydrates that our ancient ancestors never ate … I do not find it “natural” at all. Instead, I think it’s an invitation to […]

Plant-Based Diets and Gout

Brenda Davis Gout has long been known as the “disease of kings” as it is most common in overweight or obese men who consume rich foods, and excessive alcohol. It is also associated with hypertension and renal impairment. Diet can help to reduce the incidence of gout, and can play an important role in the […]

Urine Therapy Explained

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Hilda Labrada Gore What if urine isn’t a waste product? For centuries, it was considered a “golden elixir” for healing. Amandha Vollmer today describes the history and practice of urine therapy and how it has been used as a remedy over the centuries for resolving diseases, blood clots, infections, and skin issues. She discusses how […]

What Really Happened Inside the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

A Midwestern Doctor One strategy used by Big Pharma to gaslight those injured by pharmaceuticals is to insist that there is no data linking the injury to the drug. Frequently however, these injuries were, in fact, observed in the trial but simply covered up to create the illusion the pharmaceutical was safe For Big Pharma […]

Toxic PFAS Chemicals Found in Ketchup, Mayo, Other Common Foods

a container of mayonnaise and a bottle of ketchup on a shelf

Beyond Pesticides Highly hazardous PFAS, or per- and poly-uoroalkyl substances, are leaching out of plastic containers and contaminating food products, according to research published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters this month. The data con rm the results of prior research focused on the propensity of PFAS to contaminate various pesticide products through storage containers.

Your Cold is the Cure

Amandha Dawn Vollmer There are no contagious germs, just contagious habits. Knowing that your expressive symptoms are the body’s mechanism for communication and healing is something “big harma” doesn’t want you to be empowered with. Are you full of toxins and are operating nutritionally deficient? Well, there’s your trouble. The change of seasons is one […]

Sales of ‘Last-Resort’ Antibiotic Driving Spread of Dangerous Superbugs

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Misbah Khan The global trade in a vital antibiotic for use on livestock farms is still driving the spread of dangerous superbugs in low- and middle-income countries, according to new research. Colistin is a last-resort antibiotic used to treat serious illnesses such as pneumonia when other drugs have not been effective. However, it is also commonly […]

40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid”

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Kit Knightly … here are all the updated key facts and sources concerning the alleged “pandemic”, to help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and assist in the enlightenment of any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog.