Extracellular Matrix and Its Therapeutic Potential for Cancer Treatment

Jiacheng Huang et al. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the major components of tumors that plays multiple crucial roles, including mechanical support, modulation of the microenvironment, and a source of signaling molecules. The quantity and cross-linking status of ECM components are major factors determining tissue stiffness. During tumorigenesis, the interplay between cancer cells […]

How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

Joseph Mercola Glyphosate is a very efficient metal chelator. This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbes because it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need those minerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. There’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise in […]


Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Homotoxicology is based on the principle that diseases are caused by homotoxins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, illnesses are agent-determined reactive processes in which homotoxins can cause the body to react with inflammation. He described a homotoxin as “any substance that creates a direct or indirect toxic burden in the human organism.” The target […]

What is Homotoxicology?

Hans Reckeweg Toxicology is a branch of medical biology concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on the body. Homotoxicology is essentially an extension of this concept, where toxic substances are seen to disrupt normal biological function which results in the manifestation of symptoms and signs, and ultimately disease. It is the […]

Glyphosate in Collagen

Stephanie Seneff … three different microbial species have developed resistance to glyphosate by swapping out a glycine residue at the site where the substrate phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is secured in place. All three microbes have replaced this glycine residue with alanine (adding one extra methyl group). This results in a reduction in the efficiency of […]

Wise Choices, Healthy Bodies: Diet for the Prevention of Women’s Diseases

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig In order to produce estrogen and progesterone as required for the reproductive cycle, the body needs adequate amounts of cholesterol, because all the sex hormones are made from this vital substance. For this reason alone vegetarian diets for women are unwise as vegetarian diets will lower cholesterol. … The […]

Probiotics Principles

Michael Klaper … The bacteria in our intestines are originally common soil bacteria. How do they get into our guts? Animals who live earth-connected lives, like grazing deer and antelope, are constantly refreshing their intestinal flora as they eat and drink. They pull up clumps of grass with soil particles clinging to the roots and […]

Menopausal Symptoms

Jenifer Worden In my  experience, there is no single comple­mentary therapy or medication that  works for all women and this is borne out by conversations with other  doctors and therapists. There are, however, sev­eral homeopathic  medicines which can be effective at relieving menopausal symptoms. It is  especially important, however, to try to see a medical homeopath […]