Fake Meat: Another Attempt for Global Control of the Food Supply

Joseph Mercola The fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world. However, it’s an underhanded attempt to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development. Lab-created meats may turn out to be one of the most health-harming ultra-processed […]

mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are Here Now.

Robert W. Malone Before we can discus mRNA vaccines for livestock, pets and wildlife, we must first address the elephant in the room. That is, how come the public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do the same for clinical trials involving animal health? … Therefore, one must […]

It’s All Getting So Ridiculous! – Part Two

Dawn Lester The purpose of this article, as with all my articles, is not to add to the fear-mongering but instead to provide information for people, because it is only when we have all of the information we need that we can make truly informed decisions. Link to Part One:

It’s All Getting So Ridiculous! – Part One

Dawn Lester It would seem from the recent slew of ‘news stories’ (translation = propaganda), that the ‘would-be controllers’ have reached a state of sheer desperation or maybe even hysteria or possibly both! The level of fear-mongering on various topics, such as ‘UFOs’, so-called ‘climate change’, the rising cost of living, ‘spies’ or deadly diseases, […]

International Standards for Trade in Nano-coated Produce?

Steve Suppan Nanotechnology-based food and health products and food packaging materials are available to consumers in some countries already, and additional products and applications are currently in the research and development stage, and some may reach the market soon. … According to the WHO/FAO expert panel, it is “progress” that agri-nanotechnology products are on the […]

Eating Nano: Our Food Supply is Not Nearly As Safe As We Would Like to Believe …

Brita Belli … Unbeknownst to just about everyone, nanoparticles made a quiet entrance into the nation’s food supply at least a decade ago. Nanoparticles are materials that are microscopic—significantly smaller than a red blood cell; and tens of thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair. These particles can help deliver nutrients, […]

Knife, Fork … And Nanoparticles?

Gwyneth K. Shaw Wondering whether your anti-stink workout clothes are sending nanosilver into the environment? Turns out that you should take a look at other silver ob- jects you might be wearing or using as a potential source for sloughing off ultra-tiny bits, too. A new study showing that large-scale silver objects can essentially shed […]

Nanotechnology – the New Threat to Food

Georgia Miller Following on from genetic engineering, nanotechnology represents the latest high technology attempt to infiltrate our food supply. Senior scientists have warned that nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules, introduces serious new risks to human and environmental health. Yet in the absence of public debate, or oversight from […]