Restoring Mortality Data in the FOURIER Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial of Evolocumab in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: A Reanalysis Based on Regulatory Data

Juan Erviti et al. The FOURIER trial showed a bene t of the PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab over placebo with respect to cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease. However, we observed some inconsistencies between the information in the Clinical Study Report (CSR) and that in the 2017 primary trial results publication. We aimed to restore […]

No Reason for Alarm in Canada after Cough Syrup Deaths in Other Countries: Health Agency

Daniel Otis Following the deaths of more than 300 children from contaminated cough syrups in several countries, Health Canada says it’s been more than a decade since similar cases were identified here. The children died in 2022 in Gambia, Indonesia and Uzbekistan after taking over-the-counter cough syrups tainted with high levels of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol. “These contaminants […]

Why Cough Medicines Containing Pholcodine Can Be Deadly Even If You Took Them Months Before Surgery

Nial Wheate and Tina Hinton Cough medicines containing the active ingredient pholcodine are being withdrawn from sale due to safety concerns highlighted for years both in Australia and internationally. Yesterday, Australia’s medicines regulator announced the immediate registration cancellation and recall of dozens of these over-the-counter cough medicines and lozenges. This is because of the risk of a […]

Study: 5G Causes Microwave Syndrome

Environmental Health Trust First Study so Far: 5G Causes the Microwave Syndrome The first ever study of the health effects of 5G radiation on humans shows that 5G causes typical symptoms of microwave syndrome as well as a massive increase in microwave radiation. The case study also confirms once again that radiation well below levels […]

World Government Summit: How the Merging of Humans and Technology Will Define the Next 50 Years

Michael Nevradakis As part of the World Government Summit (WGS) last week in Dubai, conference organizers presented the “Government in 2071” initiative — a roadmap for governments to interact with “citizens and stakeholders” in a dramatically shifting future impacted by automation, robotics and climate change. Convened from Feb. 13-15 under the slogan “Shaping Future Governments,” […]

Large COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Study Investigating the Biology Behind Serious Adverse Events

TrialSite Staff A PharmD employed at the University of British Columbia  (UBC) and the British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute in partners with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched a study to investigate COVID-19 vaccine injuries, including incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT)/thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), and myocarditis/pericarditis strongly associated […]

PVC: The Poison Plastic Most common plastics pose serious threats to human health and the environment. The problems of plastics include extreme pollution from production, toxic chemical exposure during use, hazards from fires, and their contribution to the world’s growing solid waste crisis. But one plastic stands alone: PVC, throughout its lifecycle, is the most environmentally damaging of […]