Statins vs. Supplements

Paul Filiatrault The “Supplements, Placebo, or Rosuvastatin (SPORT)” study was presented at the American Heart Association scientific sessions on Nov. 6, 2022 and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. This research measured cholesterol reduction between rosuvastatin (Crestor®) and supplements. One of the author’s conclusions is that doctors should ‘educate’ patients about […]

Dangerous mRNA Vaccine Contaminants Were Just Discovered

A Midwestern Doctor One of the major challenges with mass-producing the mRNA vaccines was the number of complex steps (prone to error) that had to be done correctly to create the finalized product. A few of these were: •Producing the correct DNA plasmids (those that would result in spike protein mRNA being made). •Giving the […]

Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations

Shamini Jain et al. Biofield therapies are noninvasive therapies in which the practitioner explicitly works with a client’s biofield (interacting fields of energy and information that surround living systems) to stimulate healing responses in patients. While the practice of biofield therapies has existed in Eastern and Western cultures for thousands of years, empirical research on […]

An Overview of Biofield Devices

David Muehsam et al. Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation ofbiochemical, cellular, and neurological processes […]

Forgotton “Primum No Nocere” and Increased Mortality after Covid-19 Vaccination

Amrit Sorli et al. The main impetus behind the worldwide Covid-19 vaccination campaign in 2021 was to reduce the mortality attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection in the preceding year. Never- theless, rigorous analyses of the mortality benefits conferred by this massive vaccination effort have been lacking. Statistics offers us an essential methodological approach for measuring the […]

Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2

Takashi Tanikawa et al. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged as a pandemic and has inflicted enormous damage on the lives of the people and economy of many countries worldwide. However, therapeutic agents against SARS-CoV-2 remain unclear. SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein (S protein), and […]

Biofields and Conscious Systems

meditation, reflection, universe

Eugenio Lepine It is clear that neuroscience has the pole position regarding the understanding of consciousness. But there are many areas still to consider that play an important part in the conscious phenomenon. Many scientists are confident that just with classical mechanics we cannot decipher consciousness. Raul Valverde has a background on research in neuroscience, technologies […]