Electricity and Human Consciousness

Celtoslavica Without taking account of the relation between bio-electrical processes in the human body and electromagnetic processes in the earth, in other words body electricity and earth electricity, it will not be possible to understand clearly by what means the scientific-technological development of modem times has influenced, and continues to influence with increasing severity, the […]

Bioelectricity, Qi, and the Human Body

Don E. Brown II Generally speaking, when thinking of electricity, we think of it as something external to our human bodies: the naturally occurring lightning and human created technology being two said instances. There is, however, a form of electricity that is prevalent in every living creature: bioelectricity. It is bioelectricity that enables a shark […]

The Serotonin Connection

Robert A. Nash Serotonin metabolism is disordered in a variety of clinical states. These include addictions, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, depression, dysthymia, eating disorders, headache, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic, poor impulse control, post-traumatic stress disorders, premenstrual syndrome, sleep disorders, stress disorders, sudden cardiac death and violence. A decreased serotonin state has also been implicated in […]

Making Sense of Medicine: Biophotons: The Light of Life

Bob Keller What is a biophoton? When thinking about light, we usually think about light waves. Light waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation that we can see and that has color, based on how fast the wave is vibrating, its frequency. Lower frequencies are toward the red color, and higher frequencies toward violet. There […]

Measurement of the Human Biofield and Other Energetic Instruments

Beverly Rubik Energy medicine is one of the major categories of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). These therapies typically involve low-level energy field interactions. They include human energy therapies, homeopathy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, bioelectromagnetic therapy, electrodermal therapy, and phototherapy, among others. Many of these modalities challenge the dominant biomedical paradigm because they cannot be explained […]

The Biofield: Bridge between Mind and Body

Beverly Rubik Centuries ago, science discarded all notions of a vital force, although it retained concepts of invisible physical forces despite frequent objection by strict empiricists. Yet the concept of a vital force or élan vital is central to virtually all indigenous knowledge and perennial wisdom worldwide. It is often regarded as the quintessence of […]