Freedom Wins: States with Less Restrictive COVID Policies Outperformed States with More Restrictive COVID Policies

Joel M. Zinberg et al. The COVID-19 pandemic led to government interventions into the social and economic structures of our society that were unprecedented in their severity and duration. The fact that different states and localities took different approaches to imposing these measures created an opportunity to determine whether these interventions improved health outcomes, what […]

Three Years In, How Did the Lockdowns Go?

Jeffrey A. Tucker Three years ago this month, a very small group of highly guarded ruling-class people from the UK, US, and Europe, were gathering to figure out how to lock down the country and the world. … Now we have an extremely robust study that looks at all these variables and sizes up the […]

Potential Therapeutic Use of the Rosemary Diterpene Carnosic Acid for Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Long-COVID through NRF2 Activation to Counteract the NLRP3 Inflammasome

Takumi Satoh et al. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis [family Lamiaceae]), an herb of economic and gustatory repute, is employed in traditional medicines in many countries. Rosemary contains carnosic acid (CA) and carnosol (CS), abietane-type phenolic diterpenes, which account for most of its biological and pharmacological actions, although claims have also been made for contributions of another […]


Joseph Pizzorno My awareness of the importance of glutathione in health began with the brilliant commentary on oceanic disease (IMCJ 7.1) by associate editor Sid Baker, MD. Since then, as I have studied detoxification, mitochondrial function, and healthy aging, the critical role of adequate glutathione to health has become ever more apparent. I have now […]

Genetic Warfare: Super Humans and the Law

Morial Shah Every technology we develop carries potential for great good or harm. But the question of whether we can or should effectively stop that technology from being used for hostile purposes or armed conflict remains moot. … Legal regimes governing the use of such technologies – the Biological Weapons Convention, the Oviedo Convention of […]

Experts’ Moral Views on Gene Drives Technologies: A Qualitative Interview Study

N. de Graeff et al. Gene drive technologies (GDTs) promote the rapid spread of a particular genetic element within a population of non-human organisms. Potential applications of GDTs include the control of insect vectors, invasive species and agricultural pests. Whether, and if so, under what conditions, GDTs should be deployed is hotly debated. Although broad […]

The Shadowy Line Between the DoD and Pharmaceutical Companies

NE – Would people have so willingly run to the Covid-19 vaccination centres if they had known they were taking part in a US Department of Defense (DoD) experiment? Would they have endured lockdowns if they realised that they were only brought in to make people su er and therefore beg for a vaccine? […]