animal, ape, gibbon

Sasha Latypova I was asked to comment on the “bombshell” video released by Project Veritas where a “senior R&D executive from Pfizer” is making claims about “directed evolution” of covid virus that Pfizer is planning to implement. The guy in the video talks about cycling viruses through animals – a long standing technique that is […]

What is Meridian Tapping?

smiling woman

Christine Morgan Meridian Tapping or Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) are techniques that utilize meridians (or acupressure points) to decrease or resolve negative emotions and/or emotionally based physical issues. MTT is actually an “umbrella” term covering several energy-based tapping therapies. Some of these therapies include: Accutap, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Pro-ER (Progressive Emotional Release), EMDR (Eye […]

Autoimmune Diseases and the Bach Flower Remedies

A woman holding a heart

Nada Marković Namely, in the case of the autoimmune diseases, as a reaction to the damage or the trauma, there is an inflammatory reaction of the tissue under attack. The trauma occurs on account of the attack carried out by one’s own immune system cells against one’s own tissues. Here the body defends itself from […]

The Missing Puzzle Piece Is Bioavailable Copper – Not More Iron

pate, meat, food

Lucy Crisetig Copper and its master protein, ceruloplasmin, are instrumental for mitochondrial function. Ceruloplasmin is what drives copper into the mitochondria, and each mitochondrion needs about 50,000 atoms of copper to do its work. In a study it appears, when rats were denied copper, six genes (and subsequent proteins) are down-regulated or turned off, while […]

The Truth About HPV Vaccination Part 3: Can It Prevent Cervical Cancer?

four women holding drinks while laughing together during daytime

Yuhong Dong In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we discussed the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and its links to ovarian insu ciency and autoimmune disease. In part 3, we turn to questions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, and the limitations of relevant clinical trials to detect such […]

The Truth About HPV Vaccination Part 1: How Safe Is It, Really?

four women holding drinks while laughing together during daytime

Yuhong Dong The decline of public trust in COVID-19 vaccines significantly impacts vaccination rates against routine childhood diseases. This multiple-part series explores the international research done over the past two decades on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine — believed to be one of the most effective vaccines developed to date. Link to Part 2: Link […]

It’s Official: Vitamin D Reduces the Incidence of Autoimmunity

woman, field, sunlight

Michael Passwater Vitamin D has important influences on many phases in the innate branch of the immune system (cellular, complement, antimicrobial peptides, lectins, non-antibody producing aspects of immunity), and also in the adaptive branch of the immune system (antibody-producing aspects of immunity). The adaptive branch of the immune system has two major phases. The effector […]