Use of Reiki as a Biofield Therapy: An Adjunct to Conventional Medical Care

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Sangeeta Singg Reiki is a noninvasive, nondiagnostic, and nondirective hands-on healing therapy which is believed to promote healing and a state of well-being in all living things. In recent years, its popularity has increased and as a bio eld or energy therapy it is being used as a complementary modality with the conventional medical care […]

Before the International Criminal Court

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Hannah Rose et al. Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.

From Explosives to the Gas That Heals: Nitric Oxide in Biology and Medicine

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William Wells et al. Outside the body, NO is an unstable, potentially toxic gas that forms in lightning strikes and car exhaust. But as a messenger molecule inside the body it plays a crucial regulatory role. Every cell type and tissue sends and receives messages—telling muscle cells when to contract, for instance, or fat cells […]

An Appeal to All Canadians

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Philip Oldfield Over the past couple of years, I have written letters to my local MP, Dr. Theresa Tam, theRCMP National Division, as well as to the provincial Ministers of Health, and both theQuebec and Ontario Premiers regarding my concerns with the management of the COVID19 pandemic, as well as the safety and efficacy of […]

Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Exploring the History and Evidence Base

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Anne Williams Over 100 years ago, Winiwarter, a German surgeon, described the use of massage to ‘promote resorption’ of fluid from swollen tissues in people with lymphoedema (Winiwarter, 1892: 397). In the present day, manual lymph drainage (MLD), a type of massage, has become established as an integral part of lymphoedema treatment. However, the limited […]

Neurogenic Tremor Through TRE Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises According to D. Berceli in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

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Andreas Herold Tension, Stress und Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a sequence of seven exercises used to trigger neurogenic tremor. The aim of this tremor is to reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and other stress-induced symptoms. This article describes the basic features of PTSD, the TRE method, the scientific explanatory model, the principle […]

Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review

Babar Ali et al. Nowadays, use of alternative and complementary therapies with mainstream medicine has gained the momentum. Aromatherapy is one of the complementary therapies which use essential oils as the major therapeutic agents to treat several diseases. The essential or volatile oils are extracted from the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits and other […]