Adjuvants in Vaccines

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Megan Pond Most people who vaccinate their children do not realize the kind of ingredients contained in vaccines—and even if they do know, they may not fully understand what that particular ingredient does or what it means. This article is written to help those individuals better understand what they are injecting into the bodies of […]

Flu Shots: What’s Coming Part 2

Sherri Tenpenny As we saw in Part 1 of the influenza shot, most flu shots have been made from eggs for more than 80 years. We also discussed some of the chemicals found influenza vaccines. … In the mid-1990s, the WHO began recommending the use of a cell culture alternative to the egg-based production process. […]

Flu Shots: What’s Coming Part 1

Sherri Tenpenny Historically, influenza shots contained three attenuated (weakened) viruses: two strains of influenza A and one type of influenza B. That changed in 2012 when FluMist became the first, FDA-approved quadrivalent flu vaccine, with two strains of A and two strains of B. Link to Part 2:

Harmony and Balance of Sacred Geometry

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Wendy Sterndale ook around and notice one or a combination of the following geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, hexagon (six-sided shape), pentagon (five-sided shape), or Vesica Piscis (the overlap shape of two circles, similar to a fish). Boil water and watch the shapes that form in the water as it begins to heat and the […]

The Safety of Titanium Dioxide and What You Can Do

assorted candies in plastic containers

Lucy Criestig Don’t you just love the bright attractive colours of candies and sweets? Turns out there have been studies suggesting you’re more likely to buy and eat foods that are brighter or more vibrant in color. Titanium dioxide is the product developer’s answer to make that happen. … The pigment grade is also known […]

The Vital Force & The Concept of Resonance

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Ute Seebauer Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on energy. It assumes, that if a patient shows symptoms of disease, these symptoms are not just a materially perceivable disease, but the expression of the disturbed “Vital Force”, the mysterious force – the energy of life, that makes the small but important difference between a […]

Ki: The Vital Force

life line, luminous touch, energy

W. David Kubiak The concept of ki has gained some currency in the west, having migrated along with oriental medicine, especially acupuncture, and martial arts. But while ki is regularly invoked as an explanatory principle in these disciplines, few practitioners or writers, either Eastern or Western, spend much time intelligibly explaining ki itself. When Westerners […]


Ibrahim Karim From Egypt, the cradle of civilization, there has emerged a modern science that restores the harmony and subtle energy balance in our lives, our environment and modern technology. This science of BioGeometry encompasses the universal laws and natural dynamics affecting living energy systems, which have been largely ignored in our modern civilization at […]