Autism-Heavy Metal Toxicity and Herbal Remedies: A Review

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Vijayalakshmi S and K. G. Kripa Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills. Many researches are supportive of the fact that toxic metals increase the symptoms of autism, PDD and ADHD. Current research ascertains the presence of […]

Autism and Vaccinations

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Mary Megson The segment of children with “regressive autism,” the form where children develop normally for a period of time then lose skills and sink into autism, most commonly at 18-24 months of age, is increasing at a phenomenal rate. I am seeing several children in the same family a\ected, including in the last week […]

The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders

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William Shaw I first became interested in this topic because of improvements that were noted in autistic children by the researcher Susan Owens. It was Owens who collected the data showing that many autistic children had frequent urination of small volume and found that the phenomenon was associated with oxalates. She also found that these […]

Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety

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Colleen M. Flood and Bryan Thomas Canadian tort law, as it applies to medical malpractice, appears relatively settled from a systems perspective; there is no “burning platform” driving major tort reform in this area of the law. There are at least six fac- tors which have contained the volume and cost of malpractice litigation in […]

Our System Does More to Protect Doctors Than Patients They’ve Harmed

Kathleen Finlay Canadians who experience medical harm at the hands of the health-care system they pay for are often chagrined to learn that, if they pursue their legal remedies in court, they are also footing the bill to defend the very physicians they claim have harmed them. Now it seems that Canadian taxpayers have been […]

The Elements of Medical Malpractice: An Overview

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Gregg J. Gittler and Ellie J. C. Goldstein Most physicians will be involved in a medical malpractice case sometime in their career in one of several capacities, such as a defendant, a treating physician, or an expert witness. Proving that malpractice has been committed is based on substantiation of a variety of elements and issues. […]

British Columbia Doctor Lashes Out Against Authoritarian Bill 36

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A. Brian Peckford Do you trust the government with your private health-care information? Do you trust the government to mandate your health care? Bill 36, passed by the B.C. government in November, gives the province unilateral power over doctors and your private health-care information, Dr. Jennifer Lush writes. … I am all for an overhaul […]