The Lectin Connection

bunch of vegetables

Peter D’Adamo and Catherine Whitney A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. It is amazing but true that today, in the twenty rst century, your immune and digestive systems still maintain favoritism for foods that your blood type ancestors ate. We know […]

Blood Group Genetics, Exercise and Stress

group of women doing yoga

Peter D’Adamo In its most simplified sense, stress is what you feel when the demands on your life exceed your ability to meet those demands. Your blood type is a critical component in the determination of your ability to meet the demands. A moderate amount of physical activity on a consistent basis will also tend […]

How Oxalates Can Wreck Your Health

person holding red chili plant

Joseph Mercola Oxalic acid is a naturally occurring toxic, corrosive acid. When the oxalic acid has minerals attached to it, it’s called oxalate, which acts as a mineral chelator. Oxalate forms crystals that your body has a limited capacity to process. Calcium oxalate, for example, which is oxalic acid with calcium attached, form into painful […]

Quercetin and Vitamin C: Synergistic Therapy for COVID-19

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Joseph Mercola Vitamin C and quercetin have synergistic effects that make them useful in the prevention and early at-home treatment of COVID-19. Both are part of the MATH+ protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC). For COVID-19 prophylaxis, the FLCCC recommends vitamin C, quercetin, zinc, melatonin and vitamin D3. The […]

TCM Dampness and Food Therapy

woman sitting on wing chair

Edward F. Block IV One of the most central concepts of TCM is that of the intimate connection between the body and the environment. The physiology of the cells, tissues, zang-fu organs and meridian system of the body is in dynamic internal equilibrium and constantly adjusts to the vagaries of the external environment. There is […]

Dreams and Evidence Based Practice

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow

Douglas Thomas A review of empirical research into the therapeutic benefits of working with clients’ dreams in therapy finds there are benefits to restoring dream work to psychotherapy as an empirically supported best practice. The practice trend away from dreams appears to be due primarily to a lack of therapist training.

Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential As a Complementary Health Therapy

wellness, massage, woman

David E. McManus This study reviews the available clinical studies of Reiki to determine whether there is evidence for Reiki providing more than just a placebo effect. The available English-language literature of Reiki was reviewed, specifically for peer-reviewed clinical studies with more than 20 participants in the Reiki treatment arm, controlling for a placebo effect. […]