Is Melatonin the “Next Vitamin D”? A Review of Emerging Science, Clinical Uses, Safety, and Dietary Supplements

Deanna M. Minich et al. Melatonin has become a popular dietary supplement, most known as a chronobiotic, and for establishing healthy sleep. Research over the last decade into cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, fertility, PCOS, and many other conditions, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to greater awareness of melatonin because of its ability […]
Does Climate Change Affect Economic Growth?

Ross McKitrick … But in recent years a strand of economic literature has argued that warming not only negatively affects the level of economic activity, but also the rate of income growth. This matters because when conducting an analysis over a 100-year time span, small changes in the growth rate can compound over a century […]
Opinion: What Causes Climate Change?

Daniel W. Nebert … “Climate” is measured in 30-year segments. Conversely, “weather” is described in days, weeks and months. Anyone knowledgeable in climatology, meteorology, paleontology and geology knows the complexities of the “climate cycles” that have taken place for thousands of years. Exhibiting different periodicities, cycles frequently overlap with, and occur inside, one another. … […]
Beware of Exaggerated Claims of Climate Harm

Matthew Lau Exaggerated claims about the harms of global warming are the stock-in-trade not only of the Trudeau government and publicly-funded climate institutes in Canada, but of many others in various quarters. … To be fair, many studies do find global warming will reduce GDP. However, claims of very severe economic harm, as in Kiley’s […]
Climate/Eco-anxiety: A Real Issue, But Not in the Way We’re Told?

Dawn Lester The fear-mongering about ‘Covid’ seems to at last be subsiding; so surely we can now all heave a huge sigh of relief and get on with concentrating our efforts on creating new ways of living that will move us towards experiencing ever-greater freedom? … Although not new by any means, the one that […]
Oral Myofacial Therapy – A Breakthrough Technique to Treat Symptoms Relating to Breathing Problems, TMJ, Headaches and Other Common Ailments

Joseph Mercola Orofacial myofunctional therapy is a profoundly useful treatment that may help treat the symptoms of a a wide variety of health issues, from opening airways to headaches, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), to poor digestion, just to name a few. It may be the most profound therapy available for the treatment of mild to […]
Medicus Curat: Sungazing Versus Spectacles?

Francesca Albini & Michele Augusto Riva … In 1920 William Horatio Bates (1860–1931), a successful American ophthalmologist, who studied at Cornell and Columbia universities, published the book Perfect Sight Without Glasses, which claims that all sight problems are due to eye strain, and lays out a method of improving eyesight through various techniques—palming, visualiza- tion, […]
What is the Cell Danger Response?

A Midwestern Doctor The Cell Danger Response is an evolutionarily conserved adaptation cells use to protect themselves from environmental stressors. Mitochondria orchestrate the CDR by first detecting a threat and then switching from powering the cell to shutting it down to protect the cell from danger. Many complex illnesses result from a chronically sustained CDR […]