Cod Liver Oil: The Number One Superfood

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Krispin Sullivan Cod liver oil is very good for you, more than you ever knew. Research studies ranging from 1918-2001 give cod liver oil an A+ rating. This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential nutrients that are hard to obtain in […]

From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety

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Christopher Masterjohn Vitamin D may be one of the most fundamentally important building blocks available to us for creating and sustaining vibrant health. In addition to its classically understood role in bone formation and calcium absorption, research has uncovered myriad roles for vitamin D, ranging from increasing muscular coordination to preventing cancer, heart disease, autoimmune […]

Vitamin D Supplementation: Panacea or Potential Problem?

yellow leaves on tree during daytime

Pam Schoenfeld Vitamin D blood testing and oral supplementation have become an almost routine part of conventional medical care. Unfortunately, the results of a vitamin D blood test do not always reflect the true picture of an individual’s vitamin D status, and whether or not supplementation is warranted and in what amount. There is a […]

Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals are Toxic

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The Candida Slayer When we talk about vitamins, we need to specify the type of vitamins we are talking about. In our modern world, there are synthetic vitamins, which are generally presented to us as equivalent to vitamins in food, supposedly having an identical chemical structure and therefore an identical action in the body. And […]

Bloodless Medicine: What to Do When You Can’t Transfuse

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Linda M. S. Resar and Steven M. Frank A better understanding of risks associated with allogeneic blood transfusions (ABTs), along with a growing population of patients who do not accept transfusions, have led to the emergence of new treatment paradigms with “bloodless medicine.” In this chapter, we review prior studies describing management and outcomes in […]

COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

Robin Wakeling The complex 2D structures observed in microscopic images of COVID-19 vaccine samples has raised concerns about the presence of graphene oxide. However, the presence of 2D crystalline structures per se are probably not signatures of graphene oxide but are signatures of something else, something more profound perhaps. … Perhaps the appearance of these […]

The Amino Age and the New abNormal Doctors

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Northern Tracey mRNA is apparently the only new cure for all our ills. They’re even giving this new era in medicine a name calling it the ‘Amino Age’ but is it all it’s cracked up to be? … The amino age is the offered solution but is it a solution at all or just another […]

Is Terrain Theory Just a Theory?

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Rosanne Lindsay In the world of healing and opposite extremes, The Terrain Theory is contrasted to The Germ Theory. Are these opposing theories working for us?  Are people healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual? Or are opposites set up to cause friction, division, and separation? In a world of duality, are people coerced into making a […]