Natural Hygiene, the Science of Health

man, woman and child holding hands on seashore

Alan Goldhamer Hygiene is de ned in the dictionary as the science of health and its preservation. But just what does that mean? Over 100 years ago a few disenchanted medical doctors began to publicly challenge the medical approach to health care that included in its therapeutic arsenal leeches, bleeding, withholding of water from patients, […]

All Terrain: It’s Time for a Paradigm Shift

sliced cheese on brown tray

Mike Stone When I initially began to question the fraud of virology, a big influence on my ability to push away the germ theory indoctrination that I had been subjected to for the majority of my life was learning that there was in fact an alternate theory for how disease manifests. This theory is known […]

Trudeau Caught with His Euthanasia Pants down with Assisted Suicide Program

blue and black water dispenser

David Krayden “Justice” Minister David Lametti is putting the brakes on the expansion of his government’s assisted suicide program, known under the euphemism of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Sounds almost innocuous doesn’t it? Why are Trudeau and Lametti apparently losing their enthusiasm for a program that is fast becoming legalized euthanasia after they announced it […]

Pandemic Preparedness: The New Parasite

red and white UNKs restaurant

David Bell “The frequency and impact of pandemic-prone pathogens are increasing. Modest investments in PPR capacities can prevent and contain disease outbreaks, thereby drastically reducing the cost of response” So begins a recent joint paper from the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), written for the 2022 meeting of the G20. The paper […]

Aneuploidy – The Chromosomal Imbalance that Leads to Cancer

Ulrike Granögger To date, the prevalent approach to understanding and curing cancer has been to sequence the cancer genome and find the responsible oncogene(s). But this approach has turned out to be futile, with many studies showing great heterogeneity within individual tumors. In fact, no cancer cell is alike; even within the same tumor, gene […]

Paper for a Parliamentary Peer, So Far Unactioned

people having rally in the middle of road

Tess Lawrie So many of us have duly presented such evidence to those with the power to influence policy. I recently received this remarkable paper, based on correspondence by someone who is related to a number of members of the UK’s House of Lords. In it, the relation explains, point by salient point, why she […]

PEG Supposedly A Harmless Ingredient

Green dispensers on shelf on shower system

Lucy Crisetig Polyethylene Glycol, also goes by the names of PEG, Macrogol, Carbowax and many other names when combined with other substances. During trials, pharmaceutical companies knew anaphylaxis could be a problem, yet it wasn’t until after implementation of the vaccination programs when reports of anaphylactic incidents began to emerge. … PEGs are also used […]

Ultrasounds – Ultra Safe or Ultra Damaging?

Expectant Mother holding a 2D Fetal Ultrasound

Tiffany C. Brawn Human embryos may be especially vulnerable to Thermally Induced Teratogenesis, or hyperthermia (overheating). Potentially significant side-effects could occur in highly sensitive neural tissue, cerebral vessels, and in fetal bone in the second and third trimester. Non-thermal effects, including non-ionizing radiation, are indicated by the mechanical index. … Unfortunately, many of the doctors […]