A Convergence of Evidence: Flower Essence Therapy in the Treatment of Major Depression

Jeffrey R. Cram This article presents the findings of a series of studies conducted to determine the clinical efficacy of flower essences on the treatment of mild to moderate depression. … Five independent clinical outcome studies are presented, each lending evidence towards understanding the clinical effects of flower essences on the treatment of depression. … […]

Sound Research: Scientific Innovations Harness Noise and Acoustics for Healing

brown and black round speaker

Hanae Armitage … Heart cells are among the most densely packed in the body — about 100 million fit into a space the size of a sugar cube. The compact structure crams the cells so close together that they can communicate with one another and beat as one lump. For tissue engineers, however, it poses […]

A New Bacterial Disease? No, It’s Just More Fearmongering

woman holding laboratory appratus

Dawn Lester In the past few days there have been a number of media reports about a new potentially dangerous ‘disease’, although at the moment it seems to be confined to the UK, as can be seen by a 2nd December BBC article entitled Six children die with Strep A bacterial infection … It would […]

Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19

three men and one woman laughing during daytime

Joseph Mercola A vast majority of those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely picking up inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. In one study, which looked at pregnant women admitted for delivery, 87.5% of the women who tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 had no symptoms. A […]

CDC FOIA Request

Person Holding an Iphone

A recent FOIA request has shown that the CDC fails to reveal any records wherein the alleged SARS-CoV2 “genome” was sequenced and: the researchers attempted to assemble the same “genome” using similar clinical samples taken from healthy people as controls, and/or the researchers attempted to assemble the same “genome” using similar clinical samples taken from […]

microRNA Are the Real Regulators of Gene Transcription

Pomegranate and orange fruits

Jennifer Depew MicroRNA are non-coding short lengths of nucleotides (19-23 nucleotides) that have regulatory control over whether an mRNA will be transcribed into a protein or degraded by the cell. MicroRNAs affect specific mRNA and their proteins but may be able to affect 100s of them so it is not a simple thing to study […]

DNA is the Constitution of Life and They are Destroying it with Gene-Based Injections

Guy Hatchard … life already has a constitution, a sort of Cosmic Constitution – our DNA. DNA contains the miracle set of intelligent instructions which ensure that the second law of thermodynamics – the law of universal decay – is not just circumvented, but actually reversed to become a law of evolution. The myriad of […]