UK Government’s Contradictory Advice for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
World Council for Health A recent update to the United Kingdom government website has brought to light a document advising that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be given the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine. … The World Council for Health questions why the UK government has such contradictory advice on its website. If it is the […]
Vaccinated Placentas
Etana Hecht There have been many news stories and data sets, including those featured heavily in the Pfizer documents themselves, that point to major issues surrounding fertility including pregnancy issues, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, and newborn and fetus harm in what feels like an attack on the full human reproductive system. Dr. Wolf summarized a video […]
Here’s Why the COVID Vaccine Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women
Joseph Mercola Since the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 shots, U.S. health o cials have adamantly claimed the shots are safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Meanwhile, now-released P zer court-ordered, released data — which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration wanted to hide for 75 years — reveals the miscarriage rate among […]
The Prenatal Microbiome: A New Player for Human Health
Valeria D’Argenio The Prenatal Microbiome: A New Player for Human Health The last few years have featured an increasing interest in the study of the human microbiome and its correlations with health status. Indeed, technological advances have allowed the study of microbial communities to reach a previously unthinkable sensitivity, showing the presence of microbes also […]
The Complete History of Depopulation Vaccines

A Midwestern Doctor In part 1 ( understanding-covid-19/) of this ÂÂarticle, I attempted to make the case that there has been a longstanding interest within the ruling class of our society to reduce the population by targeting individuals deemed undesirable. In the past, these programs typically targeted the poor, people of color, colonial subjects and those […]
Miscarriages and a Medical Conspiracy of Silence

Niall McCrae MOTHERS to be or not to be: that is the question for those responsible for pushing potentially harmful Covid vaccines on pregnant women. In the UK, Yellow Card reports include almost a thousand miscarriages and stillbirths, while official statistics in several countries show a reduction in births and rising infant mortality rate. What is going on?   … Midwives […]
Of 29 Pregnant Women That Had Received Pfizer’s COVID-19 Inoculation, Only One Had a Baby That Lived

Byram W. Bridle … [T]here are solid data available from 29 pregnancies. One out of 29 of these pregnancies resulted in a ‘normal’ outcome. This means that 28 out of the 29 babies died! That is a 97% death rate. I don’t care which trustworthy data set you look at to determine a ‘background’ death […]
Thousands Report Unusual Menstruation Patterns After COVID-19 Vaccination

Jennifer Couzin-Frankel Between April and October 2021, the survey welcomed anyone 18 and older who gets or used to get a period … a whopping 42% of about 16,000 people in the survey who had a regular menstrual cycle said they bled more heavily than usual after vaccination, a number far higher than others have […]