New Study Confirms That Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines Impact Male Fertility

World Council for Health Pfizer’s novel Covid-19 vaccine leads to lower levels of fertility in men, according to a new peer-reviewed study. The paper, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Andrology evaluated the impact of the experimental Covid-19 injections on sperm motility and concentration and found that, three months after vaccination, semen concentration […]
Lipid Nanoparticles, mRNA, PEG Assault Natural Conception, Gestation, and Birth

Peter McCullough … The COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers with the US FDA excluded pregnant women and women of childbearing potential from being studied in randomized trials because of maternal-fetal risks with lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and PEG. It is strict regulatory practice, that when a group is excluded from the registrational randomized trials of a new product, […]
The History of Population Control is Important for Understanding COVID-19

A Midwestern doctor There is a past precedent of using experimental vaccinations for sterilization. … In our current era, the labor value of individual human beings has been significantly decreased by modern technology (particularly in the recent times with AI and Robotics). From many publications I’ve read, it appears that the Oligarchy now holds the […]
Covid Vaccines and Fertility

Swiss Policy Research … data from both Germany and Switzerland does show a substantial 10% to 15% monthly decrease in live births from January 2022 to at least April 2022. This decrease could be due to lockdown effects or biological effects, including covid infections or covid vaccinations that began nine months earlier. Health authorities and […]
‘Alarming’ Levels of 29 Chemicals Affecting Human Fertility Found in Men’s Urine Samples

Suzanne Burdick A study published last week in Environment International showed 29 endocrine disruptors — at levels more than 100-fold greater than acceptable exposure rates — in the urine samples of 98 Danish men. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that affect human fertility by disrupting the normal functioning of the endocrine system. … Bisphenol-A (BPA) stood […]
Ethical Questions Surround Vaccine to Reduce Fertility

Jacob Puliyel The prestigious journal Nature Medicine, in its February issue reported that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is to do a clinical trial of a tetanus toxoid vaccine (TT) laced with a pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is to be studied on 120 women in India. This “vaccine” against pregnancy was […]
Every Woman of Child-bearing Age Should Read this Warning on the Covid Vaccines

Neville Hodgkinson … ‘So I’m here to warn you that if you are of child-bearing potential or younger, so not at menopause, I would strongly recommend you do not accept these vaccines.’ Pfizer themselves say on their website that available data on their Covid vaccine administered to pregnant women ‘are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in […]
The Facts About Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Risks to Unborn Babies

Linnea Wahl As we all know, there is much conflicting information on the internet about the safety of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine during pregnancy. Official health sources recommend the Pfizer vaccine as safe for pregnant women and their babies (for example, US Centers for Disease Control, On the other hand, many sources suggest grave […]