Liposomal Nutrient Delivery – Is It Just a Gimmick?

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Cyndi O’Meara … There are 2 components that make up the liposomal supplement, the Liposome and the Nutrient. Today’s liposomes are essentially nanotechnology of a phospholipid bilayer that has been modified into a sphere. The sphere has an empty space in the middle that, when manipulated, can be filled with therapeutic substances. This method of […]

Food as Medicine: How Food and Diet Impact the Treatment of Disease and Disease Management

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Center for Food as Medicine Using food for prevention and treatment of disease has a long history and documented efficacy. In fact, evidence indicates that sustained dietary changes can be as effective as pharmacological interventions in treating certain diseases, especially in the early stages of the disease. In some instances, a long- term, specific diet […]

GMOs: Ottawa Presents Its Reform Using Files from an Agrochemicals Lobby

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Canadian Biotechnology Action Network With this controversial reform proposal, the seed industry would be exempt from controls and transparency obligations Did the agrochemical lobby participate in the drafting of controversial federal reforms to facilitate the marketing of a new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Two embargoed documents from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), […]

The Double Danger of High Fructose Corn Syrup

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Bill Sanda For many years, Dr. Meira Fields and her coworkers at the US Department of Agriculture investigated the harmful effects of dietary sugar on rats. They discovered that when male rats are fed a diet deficient in copper, with sucrose as the carbohydrate, they develop severe pathologies of vital organs. Liver, heart and testes […]

Know Your Fats Introduction

White Ceramic Mug With Butter

Weston A. Price Foundation Saturated fats, such as butter, meat fats, coconut oil and palm oil, tend to be solid at room temperature. According to conventional nutritional dogma, these traditional fats are to blame for most of our modern diseases–heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, malfunction of cell membranes and even nervous disorders like multiple sclerosis. […]

The Importance of Saturated Fats for Biological Functions

Mary Enig Many people recognize that saturated fats are needed for energy, hormone production, cellular membranes and for organ padding. You may be surprised to learn that certain saturated fatty acids are also needed for important signaling and stabilization processes in the body. Signaling processes work in the cells at the level of the membrane […]

Dietary Fats and Health: Dietary Recommendations in the Context of Scientific Evidence

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Glen D. Lawrence Although early studies showed that saturated fat diets with very low levels of PUFAs increase serum cholesterol, whereas other studies showed high serum cholesterol increased the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), the evidence of dietary saturated fats increasing CAD or causing premature death was weak. Over the years, data revealed that […]

3 Reasons Food is Getting More Toxic

Joseph Mercola Toxicity in food comes from several sources. Toxic influences during the plants’ growth phase include phosphate fertilizer (which has a radioactive component), waste sludge and glyphosate. Up to 90% of the phosphorous is lost through the supply chain from mining to final fertilizer, and the losses are poorly documented, making it difficult to […]