A Parasitological Evaluation of Edible Insects and Their Role in the Transmission of Parasitic Diseases to Humans and Animals

Remigiusz Galecki, Rajmund Sokól From 1 January 2018 came into force Regulation (EU) 2015/2238 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015, introducing the concept of “novel foods”,including insects and their parts. One of the most commonly used species of insects are:mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), house crickets (Acheta domesticus), cockroaches (Blattodea) and […]

Is Eating Insects Safe? The Hidden Dangers of Insect Consumptom

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new realities. The narrative of climate pros of eating insects are seeping into mainstream consciousness again. Eat bugs, use less land, less CO2, feed people cheaply for more profit. But the narrative of human and animals cons of eating insects loom large, while many potentially life-threatening unknowns — from new cross-species viruses, mycotoxin outbreaks — to […]

Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Health and Disease Processes

Mark P. Mattson, Valter D. Longo, Michelle Harvie Humans in modern societies typically consume food at least three times daily, while laboratory animals are fed ad libitum. Overconsumption of food with such eating patterns often leads to metabolic morbidities (insulin resistance, excessive accumulation of visceral fat, etc.), particularly when associated with a sedentary lifestyle … […]

Gut Microbiome May Help or Hinder Defenses Against SARS-CoV-2

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Bianca Nogrady When SARS-CoV-2 first began rampaging around the world, it was thought to primarily affect the respiratory system. It soon became clear that the virus had more far-reaching effects, including on the gastrointestinal system and its bacterial symbionts.  One early study suggested that nearly 20 percent of patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection had gastrointestinal symptoms. That […]

Can’t Patent This: The Amazing Healing Power of Intermittent Fasting

The Vigilant Fox In an interview with CHD, Dr. Paul Marik gave a powerful 4-minute lesson on fasting, its benefits, and how one can use this practice to get rid of spike protein, treat, and prevent all sorts of diseases. “And this is the only way to get rid of spike. There is no other […]

10 Ways to Induce Autophagy: When Does It Start?

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Mag. Stephan Lederer, Bakk. … Autophagy was first described in 1962 when researchers observed an increase in the number of lysosomes. These specific organelles broke down cell components in the liver cells of rats after the injection of glucagon. In short, autophagy is a type of cell cleanse mechanism. In this process, the body identifies […]

One Hundred Years of Diet-Heart Research: Good Science, Junk Science and Honest Mistakes

Paul B. Addis, Martin Grootveld … The extreme focus on dietary saturated fat and cholesterol as hazardous malefactor molecules, and replacement of the former with carbohydrates, has been detrimental to human health. … We now recognize that the cholesterol-heart disease hypothesis was based on data obtained initiallyon severely flawed experiments. All indications are that ‘pure’, […]

Asparatame: Decades of Science Point to Serious Health Risks

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Stacy Malkan Dozens of studies have linked aspartame — the world’s most widely used arti cial sweetener — to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, as well as negative e ects such as intestinal dysbiosis, mood disorders, headaches and migraines. Evidence also links aspartame to weight gain, increased […]